When You/Your Sibling Adopt a Child

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(A/N: Now this chapter is going to have the reader AKA you or your sibling who have the same sex people are going to adopt a child. Now each child are going to be either a toddler, a little kid or a little baby. Hope you all enjoy this chapter and let's get started!!)


Your brother Y/B/N is now thinking about adopting a child as Joshua came over to him and kissed his nose.

"Hey honey. What are you thinking about?" Joshua asked

"Well Joshy, I'm thinking about adopting a child." Your brother said

"Ooh ok. Now how about we go to the orphanage to find a kid of our own?" Joshua asked

"Sure. Let's go!" Your brother said

As Joshua and your brother both leave the hideout, they both went to the orphanage to see a caretaker as the lady smiled at them.

"Are you both here to adopt a child?" The caretaker asked with a smile

"Yes we would like to adopt a child." Joshua said

The caretaker brought you both to the part of the orphanage to find a child of their dreams. Joshua noticed a little boy who is around 4 years old with small bruising on his body. He have some short hair on his head which to look like it is forcefully shaved off and beautiful blue eyes. Your brother Y/B/N came over as the child backed away scared.

"Please don't hurt me." The boy said scared

"No no sweet boy. I would never do that." Joshua said kindly

"What happened to your hair?" Your brother asked

"Mommy and daddy have beaten me and my daddy shaved my hair. They call me ugly, a nuisance and a mistake." The boy said

That made Joshua and Y/B/N furious and Joshua gently cracked his knuckles.

"Once my hubby and I find those 'parents' of yours, we will take care of them." Your brother said

"A-Are you going to hurt me?" The boy asked

"No of course not. We are here to adopt you. Besides you are so cute and adorable. What's your name little guy?" Joshua asked

"M-My name is William. William Landingham." William said shyly

"I think we found the kid to adopt." Your brother said

"Yeah! Let's take him." Joshua smiled

William slowly smiled as your brother picked him up as Joshua signed the adoption papers before giving it to the caretaker which she smiled.

"Alright William is all yours." The caretaker smiled

"Yes!" Your brother Y/B/N and Joshua smiled

Your brother along with Joshua both leave while carrying William together as Joshua smiled at him.

"We will introduce you to my family." Your brother smiled

"Ok D-Daddy." William said

"Call me Daddy Joshua and Y/B/N, Daddy Y/B/N." Joshua smiled

Your brother along with Joshua are both so happy that they have adopted a child of their own and hope that Daeron loves the child.


You along with your wife Sissy Spacek are now cuddling while walking around town until you both the sound of a crying noise. You rushed over to the sound to see a newborn baby as the baby is beautiful baby girl with cute green eyes and black hair. You felt furious along with Sissy as you picked up the baby and you wrapped a small blanket as the baby's cries turned to hiccups.

"Whoever abandoned this newborn baby is a total bastard." You snarled

Sissy then noticed the note which reads:

"To whomever took the baby Savanah,


Sissy felt angry as you also felt disgusted and shook your head in disgust.

"It's ok Savanah, I won't kill you." You cooed

"We will treat you better." Sissy Spacek cooed

Savanah gurgled before cooing as you both begin to go to the adoption place to sign the adoption papers. Once they are all signed, you along with Sissy both walked to do some shopping for some baby supplies and some onesies and even some diapers. You both can't wait to introduce your adopted child to the family.


You and your lover Hannah are now walking together until you both heard the sound of panicked screams as you both see a house on fire. You gasped as you ran over to the house and break down the door before coming inside as you covered your nose to avoid the smoke in your nose.

"Hello? Anyone in here?" You called out

You heard the sound of a cough as you noticed the fire expanding to the room as you kicked the door and noticed a girl who is around 5 years old with hazel eyes and brown hair. You grabbed the child and break down the window as the girl coughed as Hannah reached her arms out.

"Throw the child down!" Hannah said

You throw the girl down as Hannah caught the girl with ease as you also jumped out of the window and landed on the air mattress as the firefighters set down as they applauded at you and Hannah. The mother came over as Hannah noticed the match and gasoline.


The mother tried to hide the matches and gasoline but you showed it to the police, resulting the mother to be arrested.

"Come Y/N, we have to take this angel to the hospital." Hannah said

You nodded as the officers took you both to the hospital as the doctor nodded at the girl.

"She is a bit malnourished but she just have first degree burns. Nothing serious." The doctor said

"We would like to adopt her." You said

"Sure besides you both saved her." The doctor smiled

After when the adoption papers are signed, you looked as the girl rubbed her stomach.

"Are you hungry?" Hannah asked

"Yes... I'm starving." The girl said

"What's your name sweet one?" You asked

"My name is Sonia Fernandez." Sonia smiled

"Call me Mommy Y/N and my wife Mommy Hannah. I promise we will treat you so well. Plus my family will love a beautiful girl like you." You smiled

Once you all begin to eat, you all then did a shopping spree as you bought your new adopted daughter some new clothes and some other stuff for her as Hannah buys a cute robe for her in pink.

"Shall we introduce them to your family?" Hannah asked

"Sure as long as they don't hurt her." You nodded

"Are you taking me somewhere?" Sonia asked

"Yes sweetie. A family who have raised me and loved me." You said

You held Sonia's hand as Hannah got the bags of the stuff as you all begin to go home to introduce Sonia to your family.


You along with Christy are both walking together to get some groceries until you both heard the sound of a crash noise and someone crying. You both ran over to see a huge car accident as both cars are damaged as the guy got out, being infuriated.


You take a look to see not one but two kids who are not older than 4 years old as they are both twin boys. They both have brown eyes and black hair as Christy snarled angrily as you carefully got the boys out.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!! Trying to kill your boys?!" Christy snarled

"They are mistakes! Keep them I don't care!" The father said

"Oh we will. You will have a date with death pretty soon!" You snarled

You brought the twin boys to the hospital to get examined as the doctor looked at them.

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