Happy Ending To the Book

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You are now very happy with your lover including your horror parents that raised you from the day you were born to now. You are a new mom to your beloved children as you are going to raise them to the best of your ability and loved your horror parents very much.

Me: The End

Soot, Daeron, Marlow Roderick. Heron, Annie Wilkes, Esther Coleman, Angela Baker, SweetTooth, Horny The Clown and Mother Miranda: Aww!!!!

Sweeney Todd: What a happy ending to this book.

Jacob Goodnight: Now what?

Me: Hehe now I am going to make another Horror Parent Scenario book!!

Iris, Heron, Dwayne, Jack Torrance, Micah, Paul, Kevin Crumb, Jason Voorhees, Kimmy, and Polite Leader: AMAZING!!

Me: Why yes it is! New characters and creepy scenarios I got planted in my brain!

Sweeney Todd: And a painful headache if you have writer's block.

Me: Don't remind me. God I hate writer's block so MUCH!!!!!!

Eddie Gluskin: Before the dear writer is going to write the second horror parent scenario, she have a few followers to thank first.

Me: For starters, thank you to everyone who read my horror Parent Scenario book and even the continuation of that book. If it wasn't for your excellent ideas, cool requests and so many patient times of skills and writing even if I stuff to do, thank you all for reading my book. Don't worry I am going to make a new horror parent scenario book as this book is completed. Plus if you want any music books, go ahead and check on my Band Member Boyfriend and Girlfriend Scenario and my Band Member Family Scenario if you guys are fans of any of the musicians that I have made. Now with that out of the way, I have one person to thank for helping me with those great ideas of my chapters. She is one of the most amazing followers here on Wattpad and I would like to thank her for helping me even when I am on writers block mode which is something that I hate so much.

Jack Torrance: Who is the follower who helped?

Me: It's my favorite friend Davidsmate24. Thank you so much for helping me with the ideas on each chapter! You are the best follower out there! I love you, you are so sweet and kind and plus you are one cool amazing follower out there who helped me with the chapter scenarios. Plus if you want me to help you with your books whether it's the band one or the horror one, I'll be there to help you and will always will. Again thank you for the helping of the ideas, I love you and you are the best follower ever!!

Richard Trager: Again thank you all for reading the book especially this one.

Chris Trager, Red, Dahlia, Michael Myers, Heron and Kali: May you all have a great and fabulous day.

All horror characters minus Kayako Saeki, Mordeo, Brute, LookSee and the Killer Klowns: Bye bye everyone!!!!

Kayako Saeki, Mordeo, Brute, LookSee, Rudy, Slim, Jumbo, Shorty, and Kinderfanger: *Waves goodbye*

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