When You/Your Sibling Announced Your Adopted Child to Your Parents

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As your brother arrived at home with Joshua and William, he came inside as Arvin sniffed in the blood room and snarled with hunger.

"I smell a HUMAN!" Arvin snarled

"Oh no. No No No Arvin you will not eat my adopted son!" Your brother snarled

"Adopted son?" You asked

"Yeah. Joshua and I went kid shopping sort of and we got our very own child." Your brother said

"Ooh really? Let me see." Chad smiled

"Alright Chad and Y/N, meet my adopted son William Landingham." Your brother smiled

Your brother carefully place William down as William looked at you and Chad before hiding behind his pants leg.

"Aww." Chad smiled

"Hehe he's shy." Joshua said

"Did someone say that they have a human here?" Arvin asked with fangs bearing out

"Arvin leave!! William is my son!" Joshua said angrily

"More like snack. Hand the boy over to me since I am hungry." Arvin smirked

Daeron came over and smacked Arvin on the back of his head as Arvin groaned.

"Why can't you leave my kids alone?" Daeron hissed

"Thanks dad." Your brother said

"I'm still going to hunt him." Arvin snarled 

"Go out and hunt." Heron snarled

Arvin scoffed before leaving as William is still shaking.

"Is the bad man gone?" William asked

"Yes William. The bad man is gone." Joshua said

William carefully take a small peek as your dad is in front of him before he leaned down to his height.

"Hello little guy. What happened to your hair?" Daeron asked

"Daddy shaved my hair." William said

"Yes William got beaten by his parents. That's why we adopt him." Your brother explained

"Aww.. poor guy." Iris said

"You know you just remind me of Y/B/N and Y/N when they were babies. I will be the best adopted grandfather to you." Daeron said

"Really?" William asked

"Of course and I will keep that meanie Arvin away from you." Daeron smiled

"Thank you Grandpa!" William giggled

"Awww!!!!" Heron, Archibald, Zurial, Dawn, Inika, Iris, and Macey smiled

"Now that is so cute." Chad chuckled

Joshua then let William use the bathroom as your brother begin to make him a nice meal for him. As William is finished, he begin to eat his meal as your brother smiled as he eat the food.

"Nice job William! You ate all your food. Now how about we play some games?" Joshua smiled

"Yay!! Can we play hide and seek Daddy Joshua?" William asked

"Why of course. Only this time Y/B/N is it." Joshua chuckled

Your brother makes a playful pout as Joshua kissed his cheek and chuckled at him. You all played Hide and Seek together with William and have fun with your brother's new son.


You and Sissy Spacek have arrived back to the hideout as you carefully opened the door as Savanah woke up from her nap and begin to look around as you smiled at her.

"Do you have a good nappy-wappy?" You said in your baby voice

Savanah giggled at the way you talk as Sissy brought her to the bathroom as you carefully bathed her with Sissy's help.

"There we go. You are going to be nice and sparkly clean." Sissy cooed

"I smell human and a bratty one at that." Arvin said while sniffing

"Oh no..." Sissy said

Savanah whimpered and started to shake scared as you picked her up carefully and placed her down on the baby rug as Iris pulled Arvin away as Kali came inside and gasped at the baby.

"Aww!!!! Look at the whittle baby!!! Hey you cutie." Kali cooed

Savanah shyly covered her eyes as Kali chuckled.

"She's shy." Sissy said

"I can tell. Need a hand?" Kali asked

"Please." You said

As Kali helped you with putting some baby lotion which smelled like tropical flavored pineapple, putting on diaper cream and a fresh clean diaper, you then put Savanah a onesie as she started to coo at you as you pick her up.

"Just wait till your dad sees this." Kali smiled

Sissy then begin to make the bottle with the help of Iris as Savanah whimpered as she is hungry as you gently sit her down and bounced her on your lap. Sissy came as she gave you the bottle as you started to feed her as Zurial helped you with the feeding part.

"Thanks Uncle Zurial." You said

"No problem. This little baby is so cute! I think I might get cuteness overload. What's her name?"  Zurial asked

"Her name is Savanah. She was abandoned by her parents because of their rich lifestyle." You said

"Luckily you two have found her just in time." Zurial smiled

You patted her back gently as Savanah made a few baby burps as Heron came over and smiled at her.

"Aww!! Who's this little cutie?" Heron smiled

"Dad, this is Savanah. We adopted this little cutie." You said

Savanah rubbed her eyes as Sissy looked at her.

"Aww she must be tired." Sissy Spacek said

Heron carefully hold her as Savanah begin to fuss and tried to fight her sleepy time as Heron shushed her and sing a gentle lullaby which made Savanah fall asleep.

"There we go. I'm taking her to your original nursery." Heron whispered

"Thanks dad." You smiled

As Heron took Savanah to your original crib, he carefully put Savanah in before giving her a small stuffed bear as Savanah holds it while sleeping as he kissed her forehead.

"Good morning little one. Grandpa will treat you better than your original parents." Heron cooed

Heron then leaves as he turned on the night light as she continues to sleep as you and Sissy sleeps in the bedroom as the other vampires also sleep before the sun comes up.


As you arrived at home with the love of your life Christy, Theodore and Thomas, they all loooked around at the house as you smiled at them.

"Wow this house is very big." Theodore said

"Yeah that's where I live, and I got someone to introduce to you, but he might be busy." You said

Your dad appeared as Thomas screamed in fear and hide.

"Ahh monster!!!" Thomas screamed

"That's your daddy?" Theodore asked

"Yes. Dad these are my sons Theodore and Thomas. Thomas must be hiding." You said

Your dad gave you a note which reads:

"Those two boys you saved from the car accident?"

"Yes I have saved them from that awful dad of theirs." You said

"Yeah she's a hero for that one." Christy smiled

"Don't forget you Mama Christy." Theodore giggled

"Oh Theodore. You are so kind." Christy smiled

Thomas peeked behind the TV as Soot turned around and appeared as Thomas shake scared as Soot gently touch his cheek. He gave him a note as it reads:

"I promise I won't hurt you." 

"He's a nice daddy." You said

Soot then gave him some food which is some spaghetti and meatballs as Theodore smiled at your dad.

"Thanks grandpa." Theodore smiled

After when you all eat some food, you helped both Thomas and Theodore with giving a bath which both boys don't mind as Christy washed Thomas's body.

"You two are the best mamas ever." Theodore and Thomas smiled

"Aww thank you." Christy smiled

"Besides we will treat you both better." You smiled

After when you are both finish bathing the boys, they both put on their pajamas and Soot begin to bring them to the couch to sleep as you and Christy smiled at them.

"Thanks grandpa." Theodore smiled

"Love you grandpa." Thomas smiled

Soot pat both boys on their foreheads as you and Christy both fall asleep in their room while smiling softly.


As you, Hannah and Sonia arrived at the woods, you all went to the ritual site as you see your dad as he purred before hugging you as you hugged back as he feed you an organ as you chew on it as Sonia hid shyly.

"Daddy, there is someone I like you to meet." You smiled

Hannah noticed Sonia hiding behind her as The Mordeo Queen came over and lean down to see Sonia as she looked away.

"Don't hurt me." Sonia said shyly

"The Queen is very nice sort of." Hannah said

Your dad lean down and gently touch Sonia's body before letting out a purr until noticing the first-degree burns.

"Oh that. Her birth parents tried to burn her within the house." You said

Your dad let out a growl as he gently touched her body as she was about to look away before he begin to hug her as you smiled.

"Aww guess he wants to protect you." You smiled

"Grandpa will protect me?" Sonia asked

"Yes plus he will hurt your parents for hurting you." Hannah smiled

As you went inside the home along with Hannah, Sonia looked arounds the household as you took her to the bathroom and begin to bathe her as she allowed you to bathe her. Once you are finish bathing her, she dried up as you put some body lotion and smile at her.

"The lotion smells good." Sonia smiled

"It is coconut and strawberry scented." You said

Sonia smiled as you helped her put on her pajamas before bringing her to your grandfather as your dad begin to read her a bedtime story with the combination of howls and purrs which made her smile. She then yawned as she nuzzle into your grandfather as the Mordeo Queen place a blanket on her. You along with Hannah kissed her forehead goodnight as she fall asleep with you in the bedroom. Sonia loved your grandfather and she's very happy that she have a protective grandfather that will protect you.


As you, Mandy and Vanessa were driving back to your house, Mandy & Vanessa got out of the car and went inside, while you called your dad. 

 "Hello?" Pennywise asked

"Hi daddy." You smiled

"Little clown! It's sooo good to hear from you." Pennywise said

"I'm good. Listen, are you free tonight?" You asked

"Well I did have something planned, but for you, I'll always make time for you." Pennywise said

"Can you meet with Mandy and me at Red Robin at about 6:00pm?" You asked

"Of course. See you both at 6:00pm." Pennywise smiled

You hang up and went over to Vanessa as she looked at you.

"Where are we going Mom Y/N?" Vanessa asked

"To Red Robin to eat." You said

"Ooh ok." Vanessa smiled

As 6PM came around Mandy, Vanessa and you are in Red Robins as your dad came in his human form and he smiled and hugged you as you hugged back.

"Hey dad." You smiled

"Hey my little clown. Hello Mandy." Pennywise smiled

"Hello dad. Dad this is my adopted daughter Vanessa. Vanessa this is my dad." You said

"H-Hi." Vanessa said shyly

"She's shy." Mandy said

"I can tell."  Pennywise said

After when you all have dinner, you all went back home as Pennywise transformed into his real clown form. Vanessa didn't feel scared as Pennywise showed her his fun side instead of his scary side as he made some balloon animals and even dances silly which made Vanessa giggle.

"I love you grandpa." Vanessa said

"I love you too." Pennywise smiled

You smiled as Vanessa loved her grandfather Pennywise.


You along with your brother both arrived at your home and opened the door as Calypso came inside while carrying Bridget and Dollface is carrying Bradley. Your dogs both went to the dog bed and stayed there as DollFace begin to make some baby noises. You both heard the sound of your dad's ice cream truck as your dad arrived and got out while humming.

"Here he comes." Your brother said

Your dad opened the door as he slowly smiled underneath his mask and come over and hugged you and your brother as he noticed Calypso and DollFace holding both babies as Bridget and Bradley both feel a bit scared and were about to cry as your brother Y/B/N held Bridget and shushed her gently.

"It's ok Bridget. He's your grandpa." Your brother cooed

"Where did you get those two?" Sweet Tooth asked

"Well dad, two parents were holding a demolition derby to kill their babies. So we rescued them in order for them not to be killed." You said

"Can I see my other grandchild?" Sweet Tooth asked

Bradley whimpered a bit as you carefully gave him Bradley as Bradley looked at your dad. At first he felt scared, but you comforted him as Bradley made a cute cooing noise.

"Aww. He's so cute." Sweet tooth cooed

Bridget looked at your brother and made a cute cooing noise as she made grabby hands as Calypso chuckled.

"Guess you are ready to see your grandpa." Calypso cooed

Calypso gave your dad Bridget as she cooed and slowly nuzzled into your grandpa as he chuckled.

"Just like when I take care of you and your brother when you both are babies." Sweet Tooth saud

"Dad that's embarrassing." You and your brother blushed

After when Bradley and Bridget are both bathed, fed and even got some diapers and onesies on, Sweet Tooth carried them to the cribs that he saved and placed them in gently as you put blankets on each baby as your brother kissed Bridget's head goodnight as you kissed Bradley's head goodnight. Sweet Tooth felt happy that you both have children that you not only saved but you adopt as well.

Rudy, Slim, Jumbo and Shorty:

As you and your brother both came home with Maria in his hand, Maria woke up and look around and feels hungry. Vinnie came over with a bottle of formula as you smiled at him.

"Thanks babe." You said

"Well I can learn fatherhood from your brother." Vinnie chuckled

"Hehe." Your brother chuckled

As your dads came over along with Bibbo, they all noticed the baby and come over as Maria begin to whimper as your brother shushed her gently.

"It's ok Maria. This is your daddy Bibbo and your grandfathers." Your brother cooed

As your brother is finished feeding Maria, he then patted her back gently as she made a few baby burps as your brother begin to bring her to his boyfriend as Maria begin to look at Bibbo as Bibbo held her gently as Maria looked at his nose and grabbed it gently as the nose makes a squeak sound which made her giggle.

"Aww!!! She really likes your nose." Your brother smiled

Bibbo let's out a chuckle before he saw her yawning as she is tired as he begin to place her in a crib that your dads saved.

"Goodnight my little adopted girl. Daddy Bibbo, Auntie Y/N, your grandfathers and I loved you." Your brother cooed

You placed a small blanket over her body as your dads Shorty and Rudy both kissed her forehead goodnight while Jumbo and Slim both gave her two stuffed animals. They all leave as they allow Maria to sleep as she loved her grandfathers.


You and your sister are both at home with your lovers and the kids Kyle and Elizabeth as Kyle slowly woke up and yawned.

"Good evening sleepyhead. We are home." You smiled

"Very spooky." Elizabeth said

"So guess who is here to see you." Jen Soska said

"Who?" Kyle asked

Your dad came over and noticed the adopted kids as Elizabeth and Kyle both look at your dad as he came over and look at them

"Grandpa?" Kyle asked

"Yes that's your grandpa." You said

"H-Hi grandpa." Elizabeth said shyly

Your dad gave Elizabeth some candy which are her favorite one as your sister looked at Elizabeth.

"You can take one." Your sister smiled

Elizabeth took a Reese's peanut butter cup as he even gave Kyle a cute stuffed pumpkin as Kyle smiled at him.

"Tank you grandpa." Kyle smiled

"Guess dad loves our kids." Your sister smiled

"Tell me about it." You chuckled

The Soska Sisters both smiled as they are both watching Kyle and Elizabeth played some kiddie Halloween activities with Sam which included some slime making and even some pumpkin making as you helped Kyle with carving the pumpkin as Jen took a picture of Kyle and you together. 

"You two are so cool together." Jem Soska smiled

"Say umm what shall we call you?" Elizabeth asked

"For me Elizabeth, you can call me 'Mommy Y/S/N' and my wife Sylvia Soska 'Mommy Sylvia'." Your sister smiled

"As for me Kyle, call me 'Mama Y/N' and my wife Jen Soska 'Mama Jen'." You said

"I wuv you Mama Y/N and Mama Jen." Kyle smiled

"Aww we love you too." Jen and you smiled

"My mommies Y/S/N and Sylvia are the best!" Elizabeth smiled

"What about your grandpa?" Jen Soska chuckled

"Do you like him?" Your sister asked

"Grandpa is the best!" Elizabeth smiled

"I wuv my grandpa." Kyle smiled

Sam chuckled and pat both kids on the head as he loved the kids Kyle and Elizabeth so much as he will protect them and loved them,

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