2| The Egg

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"There's eleven of us, we're like a big, dysfunctional family. Most of us love each other, some of us hate one another, but there's this irresistible vibe when we get together, you know what I mean?" Asanti Iman Blazer points a manicured finger after he is done speaking, his already long eyelashes extended by his mascara. "Does that answer your question?"

The waitress stares at him with a tired expression, finally getting a moment to interject. "I just asked if you wouldn't mind keeping it down." she utters before shuffling away to another table.

Asanti turns back in his seat and reaches for his fruity milkshake with extra whipped cream. "I've literally never seen her not look depressed out of her head. We have the same classes but at least I smile every once in a while."

"Yeah, I don't think you can say that bro." Lance remarks, sitting on the inside of the booth with his girlfriend, Farah, on his lap.

"Mental health is no joke." Bjorn adds, mumbling because of the pair of plastic spoons in his mouth, his elbows serving as stools for his chin to rest on his knuckles.

Asanti rolls his eyes, gulping down the milkshake in his mouth to get his thoughts out. "Oh please, you wouldn't know what mental health was, even if it slapped you in the face."

"Why?" Bjorn asks, throwing a wad of paper at Asanti's head, one of the spoons landing somewhere under the table as the other rattles on the table. "You think you're the only one who can know big words?"

Asanti side eyes Bjorn but decides to hold his tongue. "You make it too easy, quick, someone else."

"Not everyone has to be as flamboyant as you are to be happy." Freddie voices, taking the heat off Bjorn and turning himself into the next target.

"Flamboyant being the first word you draw for is very on brand."


"It's giving low level homophobia-"

"-come off it-"

 "-and insecurity about your own sexuality...oh, I'm sorry Bjorn, was that too many big boy words for you?"

Farah interjects herself into the conversation, fearing the trio are taking things a little far, even for them. "What ever happened to most of us love each other?" she tries, tucking the blond-coloured streaks at the front of her hair, behind her ears.

"I also said some of us hate one another." Asanti responds, pursing his glossy lips as he inspects the chipped, black, nail-polish on his fingers.

"I'm definitely not drunk enough to socialize with people." Farah replies, earning her an endearing sympathy kiss from Lance. 

She keeps her arm wrapped over his shoulder, resting her head against him in an attempt to ignore the imposter syndrome that creeps up her spine. 

Coming from a long line of southerners, she silently wonders what her mother would say if she could see her now, enjoying the company of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

She wonders, most of all, what she would think of her boyfriend. Would she spit in his face? Would she curse him out?

Most definitely, which hurts Farah deeply, knowing that her past and future have no chance at co-existing.

Bjorn tries drumming another beat on the table, but Asanti stops him before he can rile them up all over again and disturb the entire diner for a third time. "Where the hell is everyone else? We've been here for ever and ever and ever and-"

"Alright, puta, we get it." Asanti scowls, the curly, mullet, situation on his head being just as animated as he is. "Enough with the moaning."

"You're one to talk." Freddie whispers into his drink with an amused grin.

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