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Wassup, it's lovely to meet you my name happens to be Amelia Francesca Gilbert, yes, I know, whiny Elena is my adopted sister and Jeremy is my half-brother it's a long story so let's begin it for you. My mother, Valencia Bennett, fell in love with Grayson 16 years ago and had me 1 years later but wouldn't you know her love was unrequited due to a certain stepmother who you all know clearly, she hated me for a million reasons, 1 of course my mother, she owns her company after college, and it hit big making her a very wealthy woman. 2 I was my father's favorite especially when Elena came around as a baby. We did everything together I am still spoiled rotten because of my parents but whatever, 3 when Jeremy came along of course he flocked to me, everywhere I went he went. My mom loved him like her own and it fueled a fire in Miranda, it started problems with my parents. She told my father he had to choose her or me. He said no because I'm a kid and I have nothing to do with the problems she has, but he made rules seeing as she couldn't get over her bitchiness. I wasn't allowed to let Jeremy see my mom and I had to respect Miranda and she had to nice to me and treat me like an equal to my siblings.

Growing up as toddlers and a big kid was fun, we were so close, Elena finally grew on me and after that we were inseparable. Then she meets Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, Tyler they became siblings to me too I helped with their problem as the got older and protected them no matter what.

I know you're wondering if I'm supernatural. Of course, I am this is Mystic Falls duh. My mom is werewolf and witch turned vampire after my birth let's just say she was depressed my first 6 months of life and struggled hard with me, so Miranda did something good by helping take good care of me. When my mom felt she could finally manage, came to my daddy's home to come get me to raise me let's just say depression and a crying baby while being a vampire and still being heartbroken for a year kind of blew up in her face.

"Grayson, Miranda I'm her for Amelia." My mother says. I appreciate everything that you have done for her and me especially these 6 months but it's time for her to come home with her mother, now my mom wasn't taking digs she just layed down what was to happen, and it totally went left. "What are you doing at my doorsteps." says Miranda. Well seeing as I haven't been invited in it shouldn't matter so, please collect my daughters' things well be leaving soon. GRAYSON GET DOWN HERE NOW. He comes down with me in his arms (of course). Yes Miranda, he comes to the door seeing my mom, he says " Valencia, what's going on. Well as you must know, I'm here to collect Amelia. He looks shocked and a little sad because of course she would only be there because of me. I'm better Gray so please don't deny me my daughter, I've missed her dearly, I've been healing and doing therapy, meditating, uh yoga as well, anything to keep Amelia safe and happy while in my presence.

The couple look at each other then to the baby and it's clear they were enjoying their little family time and thought they would get more time with her. Miranda says, well are you sure she is a quiet baby, and she is no problem to us so if you need to take longer, we understand. Grayson on the other hand knew where his lady was coming from, and he was enjoying his Milly and her peculiar quietness and wanted her to stay but when Miranda made that comment he knew the woman at their door was going to respond in a not so friendly way.

Grayson your fiancé is overstepping her almost stepmother duties and I don't like it so please I am being nice for the sake of our daughter and it's wearing thin. Listen Val, I understand you are doing things to protect Amelia, but I must say you are a vampire what's to stop you from hurting her or leaving her again when the moon comes, and you turn or worst. Miranda and I feel we can best take care of her better since we are not a part of the supernatural.

Gray you hurt people like me you are smack dab deep into the supernatural. What if one of your subjects find out about her and act on their vengeance, what then.? So, who is truly fit now huh. I can protect her not you or her, so once again give me my daughter.

"No, you can't have her she's ours." spoke Miranda. I will not give her to you at all she needs a normal life, and we can give it to her with 2 parents. Miranda looked to dad for backup, but he wouldn't look at her or mom and he felt her stare daggers at him while his fiancé looked shocked at him not backing her up. I have been patient, I have been nice, and worst of all I have tolerated you Melinda, Melissa or whatever your name is now I know it doesn't work for you.  Now I have no choice but to choose violence and you won't like it. No one knows what to do now but leave it to Miranda to say something. She says," my fiancé has spoken, and I really don't appreciate your tone of voice so how about you go away and gray as you like to call him, and I do the right thing by keeping a monster away from our daughter. She smiles at my mom in the most ha I won smile and turns away while slamming the door. "Miranda. says my dad, why would you do that. She is the mother of my child, and it is her right to see our child. I also agree that she should have her most of the time. "What are you saying." Miranda asks looking stunned by her fiancé defending not only a vampire but his first love. Listen to me GRAY, I will not concede to her, okay and whatever your feeling has to be guilt for leaving her for me and I get that but that was almost two years ago so get over it. Now what no one accounted on ways my mom not backing down and that slam of the door in her face was her last straw and all the work she was doing for herself went out the... well door so to speak.

Aaaahhhhh my mother screamed. But she didn't account for her magic to come back after being dormant for six months, as well as all the windows to blow out and the door to get knocked off its hinges. When she saw the damage, she was stuck and couldn't understand what was going on.

"My magic I can feel it." She says with worry. "How can this be." She cries to the ancestors but gets no answer. Then she snaps out of her daze forgetting where she was and why she was here.

Valencia can't believe what she just did especially with her daughter and ex-lover inside the house. Maybe Miranda was right about her needing more time uh what is she thinking agreeing that bitch.

Ok, ok breath V and think for a minute.

" What's going on." Grayson says, seeing the damage done to him home. He looks to the door seeing a shocked Valencia. He turns to Miranda, and she is crying. Then he looks to his beautiful daughter, seeing her wobbling lips, not knowing what was to come. Uh V, he says but she still looks shocked. " Valencia, somethings wrong with the baby." He says, and she finally snaps out of whatever she was in. She looks up at Grayson then to her daughter thinking she hurt her, not being able to fathom it. Then she sees her teary eyes thinking the worst has happened. " Let me in Gray, please let me hold her. He's stuck in between two women and has no clue what to do. "Come in Valencia." My dad says. Now mom was shocked and took slow steps to the threshold but before she could I let out an earth-shattering cry. She tried to rush for me, but the small town of Mystic Falls started to shake. The three adults didn't know what to do, they were so scared for the baby they all rushed to her, but there not much you can do for a baby during an earthquake, so she was still screaming crying. "Give her to me, Gray." Valencia says. He stares at her for a bit, but he finally gives in and give her the baby. "Wow, she's so beautiful, she looks so much like us huh." Mom says. Hi, honey it's your mom, please don't cry, your too pretty. As she talks the baby calms, so does the shaking.

"Do you feel that it's stopping." Grayson says.

All the adults have an idea of what happened but don't want to say it out loud.

They look to the baby and now she is smiling happily like nothing happened. The sun is shining bright on her almost like she is glowing, all the adults are just happy she is safe.

"We should figure a way to split or at least a schedule so there is no miscommunication between us." Miranda says.

"That's the best thing you've said since I've met you. "My mom says. So how about this we meet up for dinner or something and think it through. "It's not like she won't be here the most with my busy schedule and all." mom says. 

Well let's just say after that my parents made a plan for parenting and I was with my dad more due to my mom owning a billion-dollar company and whatnot.

So, to answer your question I am a tribrid and I know all about the supernatural and the who's who.

So, sit back and relax and take in the sights that are me.

Did I also mention I am a Bennett by blood.

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