Mystic Shit.

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Ugh I hate the mornings so much. I call Olivia to see where she is, and she says her plane should land in thirty minutes so that's enough time to get ready. I hop out the shower and do my routine and put on my outfit. I go outside and hop in my rental going to the airport.

When I get there, I see Olivia coming out looking annoyed probably ready to fight somebody like always.

"Olivia." I call to her.

She looks to me, then starts running and jumping on me hugging me.

"Bitch, get your fat ass off me. I speak.

"Listen hoe, you can't be talking like that out here they will lynch you." She says to me.

You never know what to say out your mouth, Olivia.

Well, you can't blame me A, it's true.

Well let's get to this hotel and roll up something.

We get back to the hotel and we smoke some weed and chill.

"It's really been five months since we've seen each other." Olivia says.

I know right well now you got me for a while. So, the reason we are here is because I have a sneaking suspicion that my baby sister is involved with vampires or some type of supernatural, and I owe it to them to check up on them.

"Listen to me Milly, I support you in all adventures, but this is serious and what if they find out about you huh? Now if Remy needs you, I get it but why carry them on your back when you have a life of your own." She asks me.

O what else am I to do.? I have wealth and I want to take care of them. No, I'm not making the path but I'm going to help clear it as much as I can.

"This is about your dad again." She says knowing. Girl no offense but he is gone, and I know he is proud of you for what you already do and now he is waiting for you to make your own path okay. Have some babies or get married or something but just do something that will make you proud for once" Olivia tells me.

I know okay, but I'm still young; I'm 19 so please I got a long way until marriage and kids. I just want to set my I just want to set my life right first then all that can come later, but first my siblings okay. So, no more talk about this. What's up with you.?

Well, nothing. I been working stacking my paper and trying to get into some situationships, the usual. I look at her and she is really serious. Okay well anyway.

I'm waiting for Remy to give me the go.

"For what.? O asks

He is keeping me up to date for this dinner tonight at my dad's home.


Well miss 100 questions, I asked him to set it up and when it's time we go, surprise. I just want a good entrance you know and who doesn't love food.

It's now 5:30 and my brother told me to come now because they are setting up now. I sent an okay and now we are getting our purses and things together to go.

"You ready for this." She asks me. Yeah, let's do this. I tell her.

As I'm walking down the hall, my nerves are building, and I start to have doubt about everything and most of all coming back home but if Jer calls me, I will come to him so I can't back down now.

We get in my car, and we smoke again just for nerves, and we get there thirty minutes later and now the pressure is on.

"Hey, are you good." Olivia asks me.

I will be when we get this over with. Alright let's do this.

We walk to the door and knock.

We hear someone say just a minute. When they open the door, they look to me and are shook.

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