16. Egomania Is Bliss

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Warning- There's some swearing in this chapter

Word count: 1562


Draco's good mood, stemming from the last few days spent primarily with Harry, had ultimately died down by the time he woke up the next day. It was 6:30-ish, leaving the rest of his dorm-mates still asleep in their beds, though this was normal. For the entirety of his life at Hogwarts, he had strategically woken up early to have the bathroom to himself for an hour or two.

So, following his wake, Draco half-heartedly shuffled to the bathroom and completed his morning routine consisting of showering, brushing his teeth and spending approximately half an hour on his hair, gelling it away from his face. Just as he was screwing on the lid of his 'Wizarding gents hair gel', Blaise stumbled in, eyes barely open, feeling the walls for his way. "Nice to see that your still such an early bird, Zabini" smirked Draco, watching him through the mirror.

"Nice to see that you're still such an arse, Malfoy" grumbled Blaise, rubbing his temples. Draco snickered to himself, before leaving Blaise to shower, while he got dressed.

Twenty minutes later found Draco climbing the stone stairs out of the dungeons, looking forward to an early breakfast and a good coffee. As expected, the Great hall was empty for the most part, aside from Professor Flitwick and Ms. Sprout chatting merrily on the teachers table, and a few 5th year's dotted about.

Sitting down in his usual seat about three quarters down the Slytherin table, he wasted no time in buttering his toast before Vincent and Greg could come down and waffle the lot. Much as Draco thought, when the Great hall had eventually filled up, Blaise and Theodore were grudgingly forced to get their food from the opposite end of the table, thanks to Vincent and Greg's piled plates. Draco, who had finished his food long ago, had spent the morning sorting through his thoughts. While a few, if not most, in some way related to Harry, the concept of his mildly severed reputation was brought to mind.

He was the face of Slytherin house- the monarch, even- and so he decided this was a matter of importance. Starting at the undoubtable source, he looked over to Pansy, conversing with Daphne. While he was confident that he had done no wrong, he could admit that his way of asking for some space, may have some off as slightly.. distasteful. Though with how well he knew Pansy, making amends shouldn't be too difficult.

Standing up abruptly, he strode over to the two girls, addressing Daphne politely; "Morning, Daphne. -mind if I steal Pansy for a minute?" There was a brief pause as she glanced at Pansy, before she broke into a pleasant smile, "sure, but don't keep her too long; she owes me a galleon"

Draco didn't hide his confusion, though she didn't elaborate. Moving on, the blonde looked to Pansy, who still looked to be making up her mind. Though, she had seemingly decided when she suddenly vacated her seat and advanced to the door.

Following, Draco waited until they were a little down the hall to begin his 'Please forgive me' speech, still figuring out what to say. Looking up to meet her expectant gaze, he sighed, "Look, Pansy.. I'm sorry that I've been so rude lately, I've just been.. stressed"

"Stressed? Stressed? That's your excuse for blanking me for weeks on end? You're stressed?"

"Yes, can't you see I'm trying to apologise here?" Their voices were steadily growing louder.

"Yea, well. Maybe apologising isn't enough. Maybe I'm fed up with all your crap, Draco." Pansy was shouting now. This was not at all going how Draco had predicted.

"Oh don't pretend that your perfect" Brilliant, Draco. Because that's sure to make this any better. The Slytherin scolded himself mentally.

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