1) absences

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it was quiet.

almost too quiet. 

you could hear the sounds of the water dripping onto the carpet of the hallway,  between the stairs, bedrooms and the bathroom door.  no sounds of footsteps, no music playing, nothing. 

just how she liked it. she felt safe, alone, and calm when there was silence. it helped her to breathe. 

rowena spoke softly, as her spiky friend was surfing the glass of his enclosure in the corner of her bedroom. turning on his heat and uv lights, row leant down and cooed "calm down sir, no need to fuss.".

"i know, i'm sorry. i know i promised, but sometimes they don't have the brand you like. you will need to adjust to this mix instead. it's still got the freeze dried crickets and the frozen fruit you like." rowena sighed as she started filling his food bowl with the mix, and shaking some mealworms on top. 

"shit, come on charm, honest to god settle down. " she sat down, admiring her bearded dragon, as he pleasantly enjoyed his morning snack. closing his glass doors and locking them up, rowena headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. 

turning on the light, she sighed at her reflection in the mirror. 

you said you would try harder.

"i know."

useless. you are. 

"i know."

she looked at herself, and pulled at her skin. neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach. she pulled, and pulled until she gasped for air. 

"hey rowe, are you in there? rowena's brother miles called out from outside the door. 

"uh, just a second miles. im just busy right now" rowe stopped, putting her hand up to her eyes. 

"all good. look i just wanted to check on you since i havent seen you leave your room in 3 days. school is asking about you." rowena felt a shudder, and quickly opened the door to her brother. 

"miles, i'm fine i promise. im just dealing with something." she smiled, calmly. 

"okay sis, you know i'm here for you if you need anything." he smiled, and pulled rowe into a hug. 

checking her phone for the time, rowe showered and changed into a way oversized acdc tshirt, sweatpants and quickly tied some shoes onto her feet. she grabbed her bag and laptop, moving down stairs and into the dining room. 

"rowe! are you okay? why havent you been going to school this week?" her mum asked, stopping her from going into the kitchen door. 

"mum i've just been dealing with something, i'm going today." rowena sighed, picking up her bag and packing her lunch into it. 

"okay sweet, but we will be talking about this when you get home. no later than 8pm tonight. you have exams to study for." rowe nodded, and headed out the door. 7:20am, headphones in, rowe started her walk to school. 


gullyview high school was a very strange place. full of a range of nerds, music stars, actors and chefs. literally, as this school is for those who exceed the normalities of public/private school. its also a very high trade based school, so it is better for learning short courses. 

rowe wasn't any stereotype at gullyview, she kind of was her own stereotype. she had a few friends from each group, but would always sit in the library at lunch times so people wouldnt ask why she didnt eat anything. it was hard some days, hunger was something that she was fighting daily. 

something felt different, rowe was unsure as to what it was exactly, but she made her way into the library to her usual hiding spot. top floor, behind the horror section. she had 2 years left to go before she would be able to leave school and apply for university. the thought of applying for university scared her to pieces. 

"hiya rowena." theo exclaimed, popping down into the vacant seat beside her. 

"morning theo, how are you today? things okay with your dad?" rowe replied, leaning her arms around his shoulders and giving him a soft squeeze. 

theo rolled his eyes and gruntled in disgust, "that prick can go off himself for all i care. what an asshole. turns out he cheated on my mum with the neighbour, and now she is pregnant! im going to have a half sibling, with the neighbour!"

rowe shook her head, unable to respond. 

"i know, im speechless too. like, way to make me feel. i struggle to talk to dad whenever i go on dates with guys because i know he is awkward about it." theo sighed, and grabbed our his laptop. they both shared a free lesson this morning, before the assembly at 11am. 

"whatre you working on rowe?' theo asked as rowe opened her laptop and sat it infront of her. 

tying her mid length hair into a clip, rowe shrugged.
"i'm not sure yet, i have 3 assignments due by tomorrow night. i think i'll continue with my forensic essay for mr delkin." 

"ooo what a hottie!" emered on the right. theo and rowe smiled as their friend destiny arrived to their spot. 

"hey des, happy thursday." theo smiled. they greeted, and got into their assessments, all listening to their own music. 


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