Chapter 4: Raccoon Brain Sees Pretty Colors BRRRRRR

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The last time Tommy woke up this warm was when he had accidentally passed out on top of Ranboo, proceeding to then sleep for 19 hours. Both Tubbo and Ranboo later would extensively fret over him whilst Tommy tried to convince them that sleeping for 19 hours was perfectly healthy but for some reason they seemed to disagree.

Now though, unlike the ways he would usually wake up already alert and aware, Tommy came to awareness slowly, sluggishly prying his eyes open and grunting as he nuzzled against the warm pillow he laid on. Holy shit, he was fully laying on a pillow? This is a giant ass pillow.

….Wait, Tommy doesn’t own any giant pillows.

Tommy lifted his head to see that said pillow was actually Sapnap, one of Quackity’s boyfriends that Tommy would consider a friend of his own. After all, Tommy definitely couldn’t fall asleep even near someone he didn’t at least somewhat trust.

Tommy tried pushing himself up, despite how comforting his sleep was he still needed to at least get some coffee, but an arm he hadn’t even noticed wrapped around his waist tightened and he heard a familiar groan of complaint.

“Chiquitooooo, come backkkkk, I need my plushieeee!” Quackity whined from behind him, nuzzling his face against Tommy’s back. Tommy laughed before stopping suddenly at realizing Quackity had just called him a plushie, pulling against Quackity’s grip until the sleepy man let go with another whine.

“Oh shut it you big baby, go cuddle your cringe boyfriend.” Tommy huffed, staring at the disgruntled man who hadn’t even opened his eyes in exasperation. He couldn’t help but chuckle though as even whilst half asleep, Quackity’s face lit up with a smile at the mention and he crawled over to Sapnap, burrowing himself against his fiery boyfriend’s chest.

“Good boyfriend.” Quackity murmured tiredly, slowly slapping his hand against Sapnap’s face as if petting a dog before promptly passing back out. Tommy didn’t hold back his laugh at the display, turning around and walking with a shake of his head. Dumbasses.

“Hey Kiddo! Just woke up?” A bright voice chirped from the kitchen as Tommy stepped inside, immediately welcomed by a heavenly scent.

Karl stood by the stove in a bright pink apron with the words “Milfing ain’t easy.” He beamed at Tommy, bouncing on his heels whilst holding a hot pan which seemed to have a pancake sizzling on it.

Tommy coughed, blatantly ignoring the way his cheeks lit up by the nickname. The only other person to call him “kiddo” was Bad and he was also the only other person who could do so without leaving the interaction with a severed achille’s heel.

“Sadly. Your boyfriends are currently strangling each other in their sleep.” Tommy grunted, sliding into a bar stool against the counter and lazily pouring himself a cup of coffee from the mugs Karl had left out and the heated coffee pot.

“Holy fucking shit, K man, this is fuckin’ pog.” Tommy whispered in awe as his bleary eyes shot wide open and he stared down at the coffee. Karl laughed, loud and bright, looking back over his shoulder again to grin at Tommy.

“I do my best! Gotta take care of my boys, after all!”

Tommy smiled quietly to himself, still hunched over as he went back to sipping at his coffee. He never added anything to it, not really caring about whatever it tasted like as long as it contained caffeine. It was also the reason why Tubbo swore over his heart that Tommy was a sociopath. Ranboo would then bring up the fact that Tommy bursted into tears each time they rewatched the Pixar movie, Up.

And then Ranboo would be lovingly smacked.

“Oh, Precious, could you be a darling and go wake up said boyfriends? It’s already 10 and I need to make sure both Sapnap and I aren’t late for work.” Karl asked, beginning to dish out the breakfast he made. Tommy internally wondered why there were four plates but decided not to ask, instead nodding and heading back over to where Quackity and Sapnap laid on the giant blow up air mattress they had put in the living room.

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