Chapter 5: Three Cigarettes

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The first sign that Tommy should be afraid was the heavy nicotine scent that clung onto the air.

It was never a good thing, that smell. It's what clung onto Quackity's jacket whenever he had a big fight with Karl or Sapnap, or worse, both. It was a habit of the man's that Tommy despised, scolding him each time he smelled the old smoke. Quackity always had the decency to look ashamed and at least it was a habit he had cut down on. Hell, Tommy couldn't even remember the last time he had smelled the old cigarettes from the man.

Now though, he walked towards the puffs of smoke coming from the three men leaning against the abandoned shed next to the shitty park that the trio always seemed to be at. It was in a rough neighborhood and it was like the park had been midway through construction before the project was suddenly cut off. It was rare to find anyone there and whenever there was, you always knew they were bad news.

"You're late."

Tommy cringed at the smooth voice that was far too casual to not be forced, stuffing his shaking hands into his hoodie pockets and forcing himself to smile at the glaring man.

"Sorry, big man. Family's been in town and had to take a minute to get away, not to mention you know how far this place is from my house. And, ya know, you never actually gave me a specific time." Tommy said nervously, curling and uncurling his feet in his shoes to try and hide his rapid fidgeting, especially with how much anxiety was brewing within him.

Dream scoffed, rolling his eyes and bringing up his cigarette to his lips.

"Whatever, Toms. I know how rough it is with your family." Dream mentioned, smirking down at the boy who tensed at the mention.

It was times like this Tommy regretted having known the older boy for so long, especially the time he had been found by Dream mid-breakdown. So desperate for some sort of attention, some sort of care, he had relinquished his entire sob story that Tommy typically held so secret to himself. He never expected the way Dream would use the knowledge as a weapon but each time Tommy faltered even slightly, Dream was there to bring up his family.

Tommy's eyes flickered to the two men that stood to the side of Dream, George staring back at him steadily, (at least Tommy thought so, it was hard to tell through the thick sunglasses the man always wore, even now when it was most definitely past midnight,) Sapnap catching Tommy's eyes and looking away just as soon as they connected, the man bringing his cigarette up and taking a long drag from it while pointedly ignoring Tommy.

"Yeah...uh, yeah. Yeah. Yup. That. That, well, yeah, Dream, not that I don't love being here and spending time with you because of course I do! You're my good old buddy, my good pal, one of my closest friends! But-"

"Tommy, can you just shut up for one fucking second?" Dream cut him off with a groan, pointedly bringing his hand up to rub at his temples like he was having a headache forming.

Tommy shrunk back, bringing his hands out to fidget with them. His throat already felt much tighter than it had from when he first arrived, something he could at least blame on the smoke that kept being blown on him.

"Fucking hell, Toms! You're always moving, it's so irritating. Here, have something to calm you down." Tommy's head shot up and his eyes practically bugged out of his head as Dream pulled out a cigarette from his pack and held it out to Tommy. Dream was looking at him expectantly, the man's intimidatingly green eyes burning through him. The other two had remained silent, simply watching the exchange. From his peripheral, Tommy could see a slight smirk on George's face just as Sapnap had a frown.

"Take it, Tommy." Dream urged, the playful smirk he sported twitching as he tilted his head, an eerie similarity to the way Tommy always did whenever he was confused.

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