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(Inspired by real life events that happened at my school-strangely- but of course I added more things and exaggerated it a bit)

Today was the day, the week-long project that everyone dreaded. The teacher with the prepared popsicle sticks that had everyone's name on it shook the cup and picked out one by one making pairs.

Nagito was more than worried about who his partner was going to be, unfortunately for him he's not really close with his classmates. Some blatantly hate him and telling it to his face, Nagito always agrees with them but it won't be his fault when being grouped together.

There were 23 students in total, meaning there will be a 3 way group. Or what Nagito doesn't want is that one, probably him will have to work with the teacher. Not like they were mean to him, Nagito just occasionally always gets paired with his teachers before. He was tired of it.

Since the first day Nagito remembered his classmate's name, every one of them. Nagito knew when the last pair was made there were 3 people. And yet the teacher paired the 2 besides him together, it stung a bit but Nagito sighed and grabbed his bags. Dragging himself to the teacher's desk.

"Lastly, Nagito and Izuru! You may all work now, I'll be here if you need.."

Nagito drowned his teacher out, only having the name "Izuru" repeating in his mind. Has he miss counted? No he would never, he made sure he didn't miss anyone. And yet, there was a 24th student?

Looking around for anyone unfamiliar he scan the room, just barely missing Nagito spotted someone looking outside through the window at the back, even now Nagito felt stupid, it was obvious there was another student.

Nagito went to his partner's desk, pulled an empty seat and positioned himself in front. He couldn't get a good look at Izuru, only his long black hair. Looking outside Nagito didn't see anything interesting, only the sky, birds and clouds.

Clearing his throat Nagito tried to get Izuru's attention, though it didn't work. He was used to being ignored so Nagito grabbed out his laptop, papers and notes. He started to work, it wasn't his first time being the only one to work on a team project.

"So uh, hey. My name's Nagito but you already heard, I presume. Nice to meet you, I hope we can get a good grade on this project..?"

It was awkward of course, Nagito just stayed silent and typed away. Fortunately after this it was lunch so he could chill outside, near the trees that started sprouting their flowers. Minutes went by and Nagito already felt tired, taking a break he looked back up to Izuru who didn't even move a muscle from where he was.

Nagito ended up staring, growing the urge to touch Izuru's hair. Finally Izuru turned toward Nagito, it was surprising by now seeing his face Nagito was in awe. He was enchanted by Izuru's eyes that were red, he liked him already.

"So pretty, no wonder you're an ultimate, such beauty would have been wasted if you weren't. Someone like you should never even be on the reserve course..."

Nagito quickly broke out of his rambling, looking at Izuru he looked unfazed. And then stared at the window again, Nagito continued to work on the project, catching himself looking at Izuru from time to time.

"Say Izuru would you like to join me for lunch outside? We can work on the project there."

Izuru stayed silent, not even looking at Nagito who didn't mind it. Just being in front of him was enough, how could he have missed someone like him? It should be a crime to do so. And now he wants to know Izuru more, someone like him is what he though would save humanity.

The bell rang, Izuru was quick to leave, Nagito rushed to get his stuff in his bag, basically running to catch up to Izuru.

"How about we go at the back of the school? The trees there are the most bloomed, it'll be so relaxing."

Even without Izuru answering he still followed Nagito, finally reaching there Nagito sat beneath a tree for shade and got his work out. He can tell Izuru wasn't a fan of sitting on the grass, so he just stood.

Nagito typed against making small conversation with Izuru, though it was more talking to himself but he had fun. Feeling all tired Nagito began drifting in and out of sleep, he would love to take a nap but it would be rude since he was near to Izuru.

"Say Izuru, we should be friends! We can exchange numbers and stuff, I mean we'll be stuck with each other for a week so why not!"

It was a bold move for sure and they only met each other an hour ago but Nagito already liked Izuru, he was just so interesting that Nagito knew he couldn't forget him. As always Izuru didn't respond, but Nagito was determined and wrote his number on a slip of paper.

Handing it over Izuru just stared at the paper, eventually he grabbed it. Nagito was more than thrilled, packing his stuff once more since it was almost time for school to end.

"So does that mean we are friends? And you like me as well?"


Frozen in place Nagito watched as Izuru just walked away, but realized that he heard Izuru talk. With a smile Nagito made his way back home, he stared at his phone for any messages from Izuru but most likely he won't.

Turning his keys and entering his house he tossed his bag on the ground, changed into more comfortable clothes and went straight to laying on his bed.

"Unfortunately for you Izuru, I'm stubborn and persist. I'll make you like me! A week long is enough!" 

Even Nagito didn't know why he hated the thought of Izuru disliking him, but now he wanted to nap. Missing his phone ding, a notification popping up.

Word count : 1017

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