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(Mostly it's Nagito and Izuru bonding outside of school, and Izuru falling for Nagito's antics)

It was the weekend, Nagito didn't have anyone to hangout with. It wasn't as obvious before but now it really was, being alone. He didn't mind it, he liked being alone at times but now, he was feeling lonely.

Feeling the creeping despair that was soon to reach him he made a quick breakfast he left his house, not knowing where to go exactly he walked mindlessly around the area. Some stores nearby, restaurants, gyms and parks. It was great to hang with friends, which is why Nagito hated it.

Right now he was at the heart of it, inside the square hall. Surrounded by random strangers that all seem to know each other, he didn't really care he just sat at an empty bench to listen and chill in the sun.

That is if he wasn't feeling like this, he lived going there but now it didn't feel the same. Until he heard a familiar voice, almost falling as he turned around he saw the black long hair he found beautiful at the start, Nagito didn't hesitate to run in that direction.

Feeling alive he jumped to hug the person from behind to surprise him.

"You're way taller to be her, nor do have a knife on you."

"I don't what that means but hi Izuru!"

"Oh, Komaeda."

"Yay! You guessed right!"

Nagito was overjoyed, as though he was on low battery and Izuru made him fully charged, back to life. As though it was meant to be Nagito immediately dragged Izuru to stores around the square.

"I wanted to be alone."

"C'mon only for a couple of minutes!"

Going from store to store, mostly looking through the glass of bakerys Nagito was always making sure Izuru was there which he was happy to see he was.

Izuru was glancing around, everything seemed boring and yet he was following someone equally as boring. But when they met Nagito looked desperate, yearning for someone's time and presence.

Usually he would've ignored Nagito until he left but something told him to tag along, at least before he gets annoyed or too bored.

"Do you want anything from this bakery? They sell drinks too!"

"Did you bring money with you?"


"...Just tell me what you want."

Izuru went inside after Nagito did, the smell was strong making him a bit dizzy. Ordering a small coffee Nagito got hot milk and a cookie. Paying they--mostly Nagito-- decided to sit at a nearby bench.

Under a tree that loses it's leaves when a strong wind passed Izuru drank his coffee while Nagito dunk his cookie in the milk and savored it.

It was a peaceful day, Nagito forgot all the loneliness he had earlier. Picking up a leaf off the group he carefully placed it in his pocket trying to not rip or fold it.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh it's--wait no! It's a surprise, I can't tell you yet!"


"Ugh, I spoiled it. I guess I could tell you--"

"No you don't need to, I don't have to know what it is yet so you can still keep it as a secret."

"Hm? But it's nothing big or anything."

"Doesn't matter, I like...things that I can't guess. Makes it not boring."

"Oh! Okay, well I hope you'll like it!"

"...I hope so too."

Izuru drank the last bit of coffee he had and threw it in the nearest bin with perfect accuracy. Nagito also threw his cup inside almost missing it. They stood up from the bench and they made their way back to the square.

"Sorry for dragging you to hang out with me, I didn't realize how rude that was."

"It's fine, just don't hug me unexpectedly."

"Ah yeah, I guess I was just excited to see you! Especially outside of school."

"How's the project coming along?"

"Basically done! I like working on projects immediately so I have extra time, I'm just refining it all. Should be done by today."

"How nice."

"Sooooo do you think we can hang out for the full day tomorrow? That is if you're not busy!"

"I'll have to check my schedule though I do remember it's mostly empty this week."


"Hm? Well it's not guaranteed."

"I know, that's not what I was talking about."

"Then what is it?"

"I was expecting you to just blatantly deny, I didn't expect for you to consider it. Even to check if you have time for me."

"...No I'm busy tomorrow."

"Izuru! No need to be embarrassed!"

"I'm most certainly not."

Izuru speedwalked to a random direction, trying to lose Nagito in the crowd.

"All I need is a yes or no!"

Nagito couldn't help but feel so happy, he liked making Izuru trip over his facade as this serious emotionless person, minutes later Nagito lost sight do Izuru but knew he was still nearby.

"Let's meet up here again!"

Hopefully Izuru will be there but it's not guaranteed, Nagito began to walk towards his house. His social battery was low what he now needed was a nap. Once at his front door he unlocked it, went inside and into his bedroom to fall onto his bed. In a few minutes he was fast asleep.


"So how was your little walk?"

"... uneventful."

"Oh boohoo."

Izuru sat on his couch, he had an unexpected visitor in his house who tried to stab him and so was holding her down with her foot after hiding the knife somewhere.

"So why are you here Enoshima?"

"What? Can't see my bestie?"

"We're not 'besties'."

"Hmph! How rude, you need to lighten up! You're lucky I'm willing to talk to you, you should be grateful!"

"I'll be grateful if you didn't bring that knife, isn't that Ikusaba's?"

"Yeah I just stole it, she wouldn't mind it anyway."

As Junko struggled to get up Izuru only thought about his time with Nagito, he hated to admit it but it wasn't terrible. Though at the end he lost his cool, how irritating for him.
Sighing he began to relax letting Junko sit back on the couch.

"Hey want to hang out tomorrow?"

"...I can't, I have plans."

Word count : 1045

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