bitch youre not david bowie

131 5 19

someone barges in, but it wasn’t david bowie...

it was...

oh my god.

holy shitting of the shit.

axl couldn’t believe it.

the ginger was flabbergasted.

he stood without moving a single muscle.

but his eye started twitching.

oh lord.

oh my...

how is this possible...

no fucking way...

how is this even real!

axl, stop being such a shocked rascal! grrrr!

but what the fuck...




“WHAT IN THE FUCK?! MICK JAGGER?” axl did a little jig.

kurt faints part 2.

“axl rose?!” mick scweams like a kawaii potato. ;-;

angus passes out too while mumbling the words... ‘i’m on the highway to hell...’

“ANGUS!” mick pulls angus’ leg.

angus was still passed out. fuck you, mick. stop being dumb.

“Y-YOU KILLED HIM! AHAUAHAUAUHAHAHHWHWHSHS 😭😭😭” axl tears up and swings a punch at mick.

mick dodges it like a pro he is and drags angus out.

axl stands there in shock... oh em gee. ‘a-angus young and mick jagger barges in my house?!’ axl thought.

whatever... fuck those bitches, i’m gonna check on my smoking hot boyfriend.

axl walks over to the couch. kurt was snoring louder than my dad’s sneeze.

“kurty-poo... wakey wakey!” axl shook kurt. kurt was still snoozing.

“WAKE THE FUCK UP FLAG-” axl screams

kurt sits up and shakes his glasses off... come on shake your body, baby do that conga.

“I’M UP! WHAT TIME IS IT, BABY?!” kurt twirls his hair. axl was drooling all over.

“it’s 4PM babe...” axl muttered while admiring his rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly hot boyfriend.

little do they know... someone was stalking them. probably an entity... a really scary person...

you’ll find out in the next chapter... 😈😈😈

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