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When Myer arrived at school, the bell had barely rung. Looking at the schedule in his hand, that meant he had seven minutes to get to class, and no idea exactly where class was.

Buried in his map, Myer looked for his first hour- AP Biology. But where was it? The schedule said V4, but he didn't see a V-building on the map. Maybe he should've come to new student orientation night. There was the A-Building, the D-Building, and the B-Building, where all the other science classes were, but not-

If Myer Mason would've looked up even a half a second earlier, he would have avoided crashing into Sara, and getting a giant hot chocolate stain all over his white t-shirt.

But, he didn't.

Instead, he fell right on top of her, a wet mess of papers in between them.

Quickly, Myer got off of Sara and stood up, offering Sara a hand up before he picked anything up off the ground. He could feel himself blushing as he recognized the girl and how stupid he must look, wet and falling all over the place with no sense of direction at all.

This girl was intimidating already, after what he'd seen her do on the bike that morning and not much explanation for it. Was she going to hurt him? That would be monumentally embarrassing. First day of school, and already getting beat up- and by a girl, no less.

Sara, though, just smiled at him, laughed and accepted his hand up.

Myer relaxed a little. Then he picked the papers up off the ground and handed them to her. Goodness, she was pretty.

"Sorry." He said, and he meant it. She had hot chocolate all over her too.

"No problem." She responded. "Are you new here?"

Myer nodded.

"I figured. Let's see your schedule."

Obediently, Myer held his schedule out for Sara to see. She took it gingerly, careful not to let the hot chocolate dripping off the paper get on either of them.

"Hm, V-building." She ventured. "I didn't even know we had one of those."

How did she not know? Myer wondered. He thought she'd been going to school here for a while, she didn't seem new. And she definitley didn't look like a freshman.

"I haven't been here for a while." She explained to Myer, as if she could read his thoughts. Then she handed the paper to him, pointing to the far left corner. "It's over there." she told him.

"Oh, okay." Myer said, even though he still didn't know how to get there. He didn't know where he was right then, and it was a big campus. "Thanks." Then he turned to start walking in the direction she'd pointed, a little unsure of himself. As if Sara could sense the uncertainty in Myer, she spoke up.

"Oh forget it. I'll just walk you there." She took the map and schedule away, turning on her heel and walking in the direction of AP Biology.

Myer had to run a little to catch up. "This is nice and all," he told her, making sure he sounded extra polite, "But you don't have to. I don't want you to be late to your first hour."

Sara smiled. "I don't have a first hour." She said.

"Oh." Myer responded. He couldn't think of anything else to say. Then, "What are you doing here so early?"

Sara shrugged. "Don't worry about it." It sounded like it could be meant as condescending, but Myer didn't think it was. She seemed nice enough. Towards him, at least. "Although, if you really want to know what I'll be doing until second hour, I'll probably be going to change my shirt." Then she laughed good-naturedly.

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