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A week passed by, and Myer didn't see Sara again throughout that whole time. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her.

Myer was too shy to ask anyone if he could sit with them, and so just like all the other days, he went to a small square table in a quieter corner in the cafeteria to eat his lunch alone.

As he sat down, he was startled by a loud crash coming from across the cafeteria. He jumped a bit and his soup sloshed onto his tray, coating his brownie with chicken, noodles and broth.

"Cut it out!" a voice said, from the same source as the crash.

When he looked over to find the source of the voice, he saw a boy that was being pushed backwards by a couple of much larger boys. The small boy kept telling them to stop, but they didn't. The whole scene both terrified and fascinated Myer- so much so that his gaze seemed to be rooted to the spot.

"Stop!" The boy protested again, but the two older ones only laughed, one of them raising his fist for what seemed to be a direct punch to the head- and a hard one at that.

What happened next was somewhat of a blur. One of the older boys swung, just as someone wearing bright yellow with dirty blonde hair stepped right in front of the boy.

It was Sara.

She didn't move her hand up to block the punch- there wasn't time. She took the full force of it, causing her and the boy behind her to topple backwards onto the ground, Sara's face covered with splotches of her own blood.

Calmly, as though her face hadn't just been re-arranged, Sara walked to the trashcan and spit out the blood in her mouth. Then, she delicately probed her face, seemingly giving herself an assessment of how badly she was injured.

The boys stood there, shocked for a moment, then, realizing it was Sara, sneered.

"Care to do any more damage?" Sara asked sarcastically. "I can do this all day."

The boys laughed and began walking away, but Sara grabbed the shorter of the two's shoulder and yanked him back with surprising strength.

"What?" He spat irritably.

"Apologize." she demanded.

The boy look incredulous.


"You heard me." Sara said. "Apologize."

"Yeah, right." The boy said, and moved again to walk away, but Sara grabbed his arm and twisted it into a highly uncomfortable position.

"Apologize, or I do to you what you were about to do to him." She said, and the fire in her eyes told him she meant every word.

Myer could hardly process what was happening. Sara was so small, short and skinny and she'd just taken a hard blow to the head. She was covered in blood and it was common knowledge no one at Riverside really liked her. How much of a threat could she actually be?

The boys laughed, despite their obvious pain at the arm hold they were being kept in.

"Sara, look at you. You're a mess." the bigger one said, voicing Myer's thoughts exactly. "You can't do anything."

"Get out." Sara told them, not moving an inch.

"I see you haven't changed at all." the other boy said. Myer suddenly realized that it was the same boy that Sara had been taunting with her bike on the first day of school.

"And clearly, you haven't either." Sara spat in reply.

"Move, Sara, or I'll have to make you move."

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