Chapter 11

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Jeremy made a grunt of protest and tried to pull away. Her lips tasted like cherries, something that Jeremy loathed. He struggled, but Doll was surprisingly strong.

Doll eventually pulled away, a string of saliva stuck on both of their lips.

Jeremy scrambled and tried to reach the phone, but Doll grabbed the back of his hoodie.

The hoodie choked him.

"P-please!" He gasped, "Stop!"

Doll let go of the hoodie and grabbed his arm. She spun Jeremy around to face her.

"You know those times when I said I was going out to the store? I was lying. I was meeting up with some of my exes." She smiled and smashed her lips on Jeremy's again.

She pushed him onto the couch and she lay on top of him. She reached for his sweat shirt.

"Stop, this isn't r-right." Jeremy pleaded and weakly slapped at her hands.

He was tired from everything.

Jeremy started to cry.

"Oh suck it up, you asshole." Doll sneered, pulling off Jeremy's shirt now.

"No! Please, don't t-take off my shirt." Jeremy thrashed, trying to get out of Doll's grip.

"Stop moving!" Doll said, gritting her teeth.

Again, Doll smushed her lips against his.

Jeremy whimpered in protest.

Suddenly the door slammed open.

"Guys! I'm ba-" Mike stopped and stared at the scene.

Doll somehow made it look like Jeremy had her in a grip.

"H-he just started kissing me!" Doll said, tears spilling out of her eyes.

"What?!" Jeremy screeched, his eyes widening.

"You were th-the one who just randomly started to k-kiss me!" Jeremy through his hands in the air for emphasis.

Mike glared at Jeremy and patted Doll's back.

"Wait, y-you believe her?" Jeremy said, a look of hurt flashed across his face.

Mike felt a stab of guilt, but a sob from Doll pushed it away. How could Jeremy do this?! He thought angrily.

"Get out." Mike said, his voice wavering.

He looked at Jeremy's arms that were still in the air. They had tiny little bruises on them. Mike paid them no mind.

"But I don't h-have any-"

"Get out!" Mike screamed, letting go of Doll and pushing Jeremy out of the house. "Get out, get out, get out!" He yelled, shoving Jeremy farther and farther away.

"B-but Mike, I d-didn't do anything!" Jeremy's voice sounded a pitch higher, and full of confusion of hurt.

But that didn't fool Mike.

"Never come back, or you will regret it." Mike said, shoving Jeremy one last time and walked back inside.

Jeremy stood there for a few seconds, peering into the window.

Then, he ran.

He ran to a place he hadn't been to in a long time. He hadn't been there since his father died, and his mother ran away.

He ran to the park. It wasn't a children's park, but more of a scenery park. His parents had always been confused about why he liked scenery parks better than play ones.

Their son was different from others. Quiet and shy, and asking if could have paper all the time.

Jeremy sat under a weeping willow tree and closed his eyes. A pitter-patter of rain started to pour down.

(A/N): Suicidal material in the next parts. If you are squirmish and easily depressed, I suggest you not to read.

He silently let the tears cross his face and pulled out a small noose from his back pocket. He stared at it for a while, touching the rough material.


Mike already knew that Jeremy wouldn't be at work so he went instead. He was still angry and he warned the animatronics.

"Listen up bitches. I have had a rough day, so please, be cautious."

He walked into the office.


Mike quietly walked into the house. He wanted to scare Doll. He did this a lot, but stopped when fragile little Jeremy came started to live with them. Mike shook the though from his head.

"Well yeah, if course I kissed him, Jenny. It was the only way to get him out the house. He was all like, 'stop, please'! He even started crying. Yeah, I had fun with my exes. Just listen to the story! He had scars on his arms. How pathetic. His lips were so luscious though. Mike was easily fooled. With his brain damage, he'll believe anything I say."

"Excuse me?!" Mike yelled harshly, yanking the phone out of Dolls hand.

"Sorry, but Doll and I need a few moments to talk." Mike slammed the phone on the counter.

"What the fuck?! You manipulative bitch!" Mike screamed at Doll.

"Oh go fuck yourself. It was just a prank." Doll sneered.

Mike was startled. He'd never seen Doll like this.

So he did the only reasonable thing. He slapped her.

He didn't slap her hard, but he slapped her hard enough. She stumbled back, holding her face.

Mike ran out of the house screaming Jeremy's name.

He remembered one time, of Jeremy talking briefly about a park. Mike knew where it was and scrambled toward it.


Jeremy almost had his head in the noose. He heard his name and looked around.

Mike couldn't see Jeremy, but Jeremy could see Mike.

"M-Mike?" He called out softly.

Mike ran towards the weeping willow and gripped Jeremy in a deep hug. He knew what the bruises on his arms were from now.

Mike stared at the noose, perfectly hung from a sturdy branch.

If Mike hadn't been there...

"Jeremy?" He choked out

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