Baby: 0-2
• Uses pacis
• Uses bottles/sippies
• Uses diapers
• Babbles and baby talks
• Crawls
• More clingy/needyToddler: 3-5
• Uses pacis
• Uses bottles/sippies
• May use diapers
• Babbles and baby talks but MIGHT use full words and sentences
• Plays with toys/colors
• Crawls or walks
• Still needy but a tad more independentAdolescent: 6-9
• Does not use pacifiers or bottlesabue
• Plays with toys
• Speaks in full sentences
• More independent!REMINDER!
Again I urge you to talk to your own little about all of this, everyone is different and they may not agree with everything I have said here. Everything varies depending on the person. Please remember that.Babies
Babies tend to be more dependent on their caregiver/babysitter as they are at a very low mental age and may need help to keep from harming or endangering themselves. They struggle to do a lot of things that people in a bigger headspace can do with less help. Babies may suck on a paci or use a bottle/sippy cup to drink out of. They also may use diapers, of course not all littles use diapers but some do, most of the time the ones that do are in the baby/toddler category. Babies will babble and baby talk as they have regressed to an age that can't yet form coherent words and sentences.Toddlers
Toddlers are a lot like babies with just a few differences. Toddlers can and sometimes will speak in sentences. They may or may not use pacis, bottles/sippies, and diapers, but of course that is all up to the individual. A lot of toddlers will play with toys or stuffed animals and color. Toddlers are slightly less needy than babies but are still very dependent on their caregivers.Adolescents
Adolescents are rowdy and energetic, they are stubborn, which isn't much different from the bratty baby/toddler. Adolescents are more independent and prefer to play video games over play with toys or stuffed animals.
Caregivers Guide
Non-FictionHello! Here's a guide for any inexperienced caregivers who need it. Have a good day!