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"You can't force yourself to stop liking someone, but you can tell yourself that you deserve better and try to move on."

~ Unknown

Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Elio had just walked through the door when he was instantly hit with the smell of one of Petra's famous meals— well famous to Petra— and he immediately knew that she was going to be sharing some gossip that she had recently found out whether it be about someone he knew or not.

Elio dreaded the moment he walked into the kitchen knowing that as soon as he walked through the door Petra would immediately pounce on him like puma and start talking his ear off until his ears bled but she wouldn't stop, she'd still go because she thinks he enjoys listening to it like she does.

He thought about stopping at the liquor cabinet he kept out in the foyer and take a shot or two before making his way to the kitchen but Petra walked out of the kitchen before he could start heading in that direction and her eyes immediately landed on him making a smirk crawl it's way up her face.

"I have some news for you!" Petra sings in a song-song-voice that she thought was good but actually resembled more like a dying chicken than anything. Petra wrapped her husband into a hug her hands running down his back before resting on his hips, she pushes back looking up at him giving him a smile.

"Yeah? What would that be?" Elio asked getting out of her hold taking a step back not wanting to be so close to her.

Petra puts her hand on her stomach, a motion that doesn't go unnoticed by Elio. Petra smiles when she sees where Elio was staring, her hand beginning to move in circles.

"Has the baby started kicking yet?" Elio asked looking up from his stomach.

He's always wondered what it felt like to feel the baby move, what the mother felt. He wanted to ask Petra once she made the comment that she could feel them moving but she hadn't made a comment yet which he thought was odd because she had a comment about everything.

Petra looked down at her stomach her hand freezing in place. "W-what?"

"You know, has the baby started moving yet? You feel when that happens, don't you?" Elio asks raising an eyebrow at her.

He didn't know much about the female anatomy or the human anatomy at that but he always heard his older female aunts and cousins talking about the baby kicking and moving while they were pregnant and that was one of their favorite things about being pregnant so he thought it was strange that Petra wasn't talking about it yet.

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