Chapter 12

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Will sighed, pulling his coat tighter around him as he prepared to step outside the chilly London night. He supposed that he should feel guilty for leaving Jem alone to singlehandedly fuss over the silly antics of Clary and Simon, but as usual he only felt a twinge of smugness.

"Will?" A girl called out from behind him.

He stopped dead in his tracks and froze, when he recognised the voice. Of course he would-he would have recognised that voice anywhere.

"Will," Older Tessa said again, descending quickly down the steps to his side. "Where are you going?"

"It's really none of your business, Tessa."

"Why not?" She demanded sharply, sounding a little hurt.

He let out an exasperated breath. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" Tessa's grey eyes were as wide and innocent as ever.

"Stop pretending that you care about whatever I do, because I know you don't," Will glanced away from her, hoping to suppress the words at the tip of his tongue. It didn't work-they spilled over like water breaking through a dam. "I know that Jem became a silent brother, but I also know that you two still remained together all through the years, and up till now-still as loving and happy as ever. But these few days, the way you acted around me! You seemed like you... you were happy about me being there, even when Jem was with you the whole time. I just see no reason why you would act that way, when I am so unimportant to you."

Will only realised that his face was burning when he ended his rant, and hoped that Tessa could not see him in the darkness of the Institude.

"Oh Will," Tessa said softly, laying her hand softly on his arm. "You don't understand."

"Of course," he scoffed, a bitter taste in his mouth. "Of course I don't."

"No, I am quite serious. Will-I can't tell you much, I'm sorry," Tessa bit her lip, looking like she was holding back a huge secret. "But please, Will. Promise me you won't lose faith, especially not in the people whom you love and love you back."

Will closed his eyes, bringing up his palm to softly brush against Tessa's cheek. He leaned in closer, giving her a light kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, drawing away. "I can't."

With that, he pushed open the doors of the Institude violently and let them fall noisily shut behind him.

Tessa remained there, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. Perhaps she had been overjoyed-after all Will had came back, and Will had kissed her, after years and years without him. But she knew it was because she was reminded again of how broken the blue-eyed boy truly had been.

"My Will," she muttered softly to the doors of the Institude, letting her palm rest on its cold metal. "If only you knew that I love you..."


Once he was sure that he had calmed down enough, he stopped running.

Will let himself sink down against a frozen brick wall, allowing the snow to rain down on him mercilessly. He inclined his head towards the figure which he knew had followed him all the way from the Institude.

"I know you're there, whoever you are," he said breathlessly. "If you're here to kill me, go ahead. I'm too fatigued to put up much of a fight tonight."

The man pushed himself out of the shadows, and advanced towards him calmly. He sat down beside him and gave him a sad smile.

"Wallowing in your self-pity, I observe?" Zachariah leaned his head against the wall, sighing.

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