Chapter 1

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This is only a Fanfiction from Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments.

~~~~~Spoilers if you hadn't read CP2 or COHF~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Finally caught you, dammed demon," Will smirked, pinning the winged beast onto the ground. The demon squirmed and hissed under him, and Will had to shift himself in order not to be cut by its talons, which were dripping with venom.

"Will!" Came an annoyed voice. He looked up to see Jem, his face flushed from running. He stopped a few feet away from them, gasping for air. "I spent an hour running around looking for you!"

"It's good exercise for you," Will waved him away. The demon took the opportunity to sink its teeth into his seraph blade, causing it to burn and melt. Will cursed and reached into belt to retrieve another, preparing to deliver the killing blow.

Just as he was about to do so, the demon said sneakily, its rough voice coming out in a hiss, ever wondered what the future hassss in store for you?

Immediately, Tessa sprung up into Will's mind. He knew it was foolish to dream about such thoughts, especially when Jem and her was engaged, but he just couldn't help himself. Maybe there's a chance, a very slight chance...

Will shook his head angrily, trying to clear away those thoughts. He couldn't do this to Jem, or Tessa. The demon smiled-or at least it tried to, since it didn't really have any facial muscles or what not-as if it could read his thoughts.

I can bring you into the future, shadowhunter, the demon boasted. If you'd spare my life.

"Spare the life of a demon?" Will laughed shakily, bringing his blade closer to its throat. "We shadowhunters aren't well known for that at all."

The demon hissed, its skin starting to boil. Will immediately threw himself off the demon, Jem grabbing his arm to steady him. He flinched when Jem had touched his burnt arm.

"Will, let me put a healing rune on you," Jem said worriedly, already reaching for his stele.

"Later. Right now I have unfinished business, James," Will announced before he charged to the demon, bringing this blade down onto its heart. The demon screeched, but it was chuckling.

It's too late, Herondale. This spell will bring you to the future-and you'll never return. It laughed, its body already starting to shrink. A peek into the future is never a gift, but a cursssssseeeeeee....!

The area immediately burst into white light, with Will and Jem tumbling into the center before either of them could react.


Will landed on his front, his skin scraping against the rough ground. He launched to his feet, but the light behind them that brought them here had already disappeared.

He spun back, only to see Jem on the ground, rubbing the back of his head painfully.

"We're in the future now?" Jem looked around curiously and took the hand Will extended to him.

"Apparently so," Will cursed. "That damn demon, I should've killed him the moment I had him-"

"No use for that now, I'm afraid. It's best that we start by figuring out where we are," Jem said gently, and Will shut his mouth bitterly, knowing that his friend had a point. He gazed about, and realised that they were beside the road, with strange metallic automobiles that whizzed past them at an incredible speed.

There were people walking past them too, wearing smart looking clothes that Will could not identify. They were all staring quizzically at them, and he could understand why. Among the crowd, Jem and him stood out like a sore thumb in their attire.

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