The Beginning

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My name is Jasmin Slayer The Black Spirit Warrior. How I became a Spirit warrior is a long story.

My mother was Blaire Slayer. When I was 5 years old. A vampire entered our home and killed my mom. What she said to me I burned into memory. What they took from me at the age of 5. I promised to avenge my mother and killed them. I spent my whole life searching, but all I knew was that her killer was female and a vampire. 

" whatever you do don't come, ever give up on anything, don't let anything defeat you I love you and do your best I know that you're going to be a great Hunter Jasmin" Her mom's lips quivered as she spoke, but she still decided to hid me.

She hid me in a tunnel under the house. My mother knew she wouldn't make it. I stood underneath the house listening to her struggles and then her screams " you will never have her " my mother yelled

My mother was a Spirit Warrior. Spirit Warriors roamed the earth millions of years ago at the same time when dragons soared through the skies when the earth was created and vegetation first grew. The White Spirit Warrior is extremely powerful being faster and stronger than any other colored spirit warrior.  My mom was White Spirit Warrior and my father a normal human but, the strongest hunter in the world, but I will explain that later on.

The vampire that killed my mother attacked our house in the middle of the night with thousands of vampires, an army that covered the whole hilltop. Our mansion was broken into. "I will find her, but first I will kill you and take your powers," The person said. Everything grew quiet and I covered my mouth as I hear my mother take her last breath.  The person yelled again " Find her you morons " I cried I lost everything my mom and my home. As my legs trembled, I kept walking forward. That night I vowed to never give up on anything just like my mom had said and promised I would find her killer and avenge her.

My father had many enemies, so it was difficult to find her killer, but I never gave up. My mother was a bit rusty due to lack of action and training, but she was still a great spirit warrior. She gave up all the action and adventure when she found her mate that's what she called my dad. She became pregnant and became a housewife and took care of me. I knew why they wanted to kidnap me or possibly kill me.  I had my mother blood I was her daughter. Spirit warrior children are super strong and super fast. Why my mom died without an epic battle. She was no longer a  Spirit Warrior I was. Her powers were passed down to me.

I escape, but the tunnel was dark and old I couldn't see the ground or the walls so I navigate with my hands on the cave wall. I was still in training to properly use my night vision. 

My dad found me in the woods. I stared at the house that was once my house watching it burn away into ash with my mother still inside.

My father took care of me, he was never the same after my mother died. He lost his mate. We moved following the vampire's state to state, city to city.

Vampires don't stay a long time in a state that is why we have to move. We don't mess with wolfs they are to an aggressive, hostile and hot temper. Our major goal was the vampire that killed my mother.

There are four types of hunters each with a different job. And we are Vampire Hunters. Vampire's and witches and werewolves and other mystical creatures all of them had different abilities, most of them are too powerful.

The Hunter Association assign hunters to hunt different types of creatures( vampire, witches etc). My father and I were assigned to vampires because of the increase in sudden population and because they are the easiest, well some do have powers, elemental powers. My father trained me to hunt and kill Vampires since the death of my mother. My father was assigned to vampires stronger ones when my mother died and I was assigned weak ones. Not complaining just got boring. 

I wake up every day at 6:00 am and trained it's really early in the morning but it's how things are.

After I have to do an obstacle course dodge huge metal balls some are in fire then there are saws. I have to dodge knives after then I fight my dad with a knife.

"right hook punch "

"Left hook punch " My father went on

" There's a mission male vampire raping and killing children including young teenagers.  Kill him and report back, " my dad said they gave me an easy one, but this one was serious. Vampires always think they're smarter and can get away with anything. My dad had a mission too.

I enter a bar to see if he was still there he also went in inside ok calm down stay cool ok I told myself I have done this billion of times piece of cake " don't you think your bit young to be here "I turn sideways saw a handsome guy with green eyes and black hair he seems my age. I sniff the air werewolf danger I got up and was heading for the door my mission was to kill the vampire but the werewolf grabs my arm " let go sir " I said " I am not that old " he said he had a muscular body. I felt I was going to melt he look at me he notices I was looking at his body he smiled I look away he let go of me I went out the door

I turn to an alley I put my headphones he was still behind me good I made self-seem as made a mistake and turn around

"hello there " he said "hello " I said taking off my headphones I tried to pass him, he stop me and was in front of me " sir let me pass I need to get home " I said trying to sound innocent the vampire push me to the brick wall I took out a knife it was made of silver. " that will not help sweetie " he said he got closer

" your very beautiful I got a bit jealous when the guy at bar grab my prey, but why would a pretty girl like you go to a bar, " he said oh well you got me there

" Leave me alone if you don't want to get hurt," I said he laughed. His hands came out of his mouth. I made my self surprised and scared its time " I have something to tell you too I am a Hunter" I said confidently I swipe across his chest with my knife " For all you raped and killed "I whispered in his ear then I cut his throat rip off his head I put vampire body in apartment ceiling so when the sun comes up he will burn to ash. No fucking evidence I went back home
And took a shower

Hi there I want to tell you guys reading that this is not an original werewolf love story but better. If you decide to read along with your the best and thanks

Please give it a chance my first book I have made in Wattpad

I like what I have created it's not just werewolf and Luna story but it's more involved into the A female Spirit Warrior( if you want to know what I mean by spirit warrior you to read along and I will explain along the way.)saving the world protecting the ones she loves many things happened love-hate destruction and chaos but will she be able to confront those against her. Read and you will find out
I love the saying " You don't always get want you to want" because of it true but reading or giving it a chance. Will be worth it but I will do my best to make this book I have made better
Thanks for reading

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