Mix Powers part 2

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"Your a vampire "

I had a thrist for blood it was like I haven't ate for years I look around everything here was food

My face stretch out like in a demon form and my fangs came out

I leap for Andrew and got shove to a wall by Martin

"Control it I know your hungry " Martin said holding me back

I have to transform the back form appear again

Rachel pov

She is transforming just like Marco said she would the next thing she will transform to is shadow creature

Her whole body was like a black ghost.

She transform into a human then she fainted

Jasmin pov

What's going on with my body
My first transform was a witch
then a werewolf and vampire a shadow creature and a human

What's going on with my body the witch powers are similar to my spirit warriors powers but without the words that is

And in my spirit warrior power form I think I got my strength from a werwolf and speed from vampire

And I think I got cape from being part of shadow creature

I think being spirit warrior came from my ancestors falling in love with vampires and werewolf and witches and shadow creatures
All my powers came from my ancestors falling in love

I guess that was how some of people in organization became spirit warriors

I woke and saw five face worried and afriad

"Hey "

" oh thank God your ok " Rachel said grabbing my hand

" How long was I asleep "

"For a week " said jinx wiping tears off her eyes

"WHAT" what am I now witch vampire werewolf

I am human so I am a Hunter

"Hey Martin do you still remember the fighting moves and strategies from the Academy "

"Yeah why " standing up

"I am a bit rusty and need help since I transform into five different things I need help knowing how to use the power of my five different transformation "

"You can all help me with my five different transformation I can't let this take me down "

I have to learn how to master all my transformation with the help of my friends

" We will start with hunter in other words human form with Martin then witch and then vampire and with werewolf Axel and Andrew and then shadow creature with Rachel let's do this "

"There no need we can protect you and and pack " said Martin

"No I don't want to become a  burden and I hate not being able to do anything please help me"

I said getting out of bed stood up and fell legs numb. I hear Nancy laughing.

"Your finally awake bitch it took you long enough Andrew didn't spent anytime with me and you will pay for this "

She ran to me and punch me in stomach she broke a few ribs I spit out blood and fell to my knees I felt dizzy black smoke started to surround my body I turn into a

" . . . vampi . . re ." said Nancy running behind andrew

" What the hell is she "

" Your worse night. . mare. " I hissed my fangs came out

I was just about to charge for her but jinx hug my legs

" please turn back Jasmin please "

Black smoke surround me again I turn back to human and fainted again why do I keep fainting

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