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Woke up feeling tired but not of exhaustion but of staying in bed for weeks

My hair look a mess I need to take a showered

I showered and put on the clothes Rachel brought for training

I went downstairs everyone was eating Martin wasn't there he was sleeping he a vampire of course

I will train with Andrew but first I need to learn how to control every transformation

"Are you ready for training " said Rachel

"Yup I need to figure out how to control every transformation "

"I think I will do it outside"

"I will go with you " said Andrew stood up from his chair

"No please Andrew stay with me " said Nancy grabbing a hold of his arm

"No I will go with her you stay with your slut"Said Axel Nancy growled

"Alright let's go " I said heading out with him

It was a nice day sunny blue sky a small gently breeze

I went into the woods stood up straight all thought about becoming a witch

I transform but it was suddenly extreme hot, something was burning I open my eyes and everything was so bright I fell to my knees then there was shade Axel was covering. I transformed into a vampire

"Are you ok transform into something else ok just be careful "

I nodded and transform into a witch finally

It took a few weeks I learn how to control the transformations I learn how to fight in very single one of them even human

Human was easiest and well vampire form was hardest tried not to bite no one

Witch was hard needed to do tons studying and research shadow creature was easy.

In every transformation,my clothes also changed my looks a bit too but that was all oh and the trying not to bite anyone

I stayed in my human transformation form it was safer than any transformation everything seem well

At least Victor and Sofia haven't attack which is good I know they will come for jinx


Victor pov

" Victor honey I have news for you " Sofia said bowing down in front of me

" What is it" I said

"It about the witches the serum didn't kill her it made her sleepy"

"I know that you idiot "

"Well she didn't Lose her powers she can transform into any supernatural being she has learn to master all of her transformations too "

"WHAT, we must attack but we will need a army vampires and werewolves and shadow creatures to take down the organization and all spirit warriors "

"And we will rule over THE WORLD "

"Yes Victor "

Rachel pov

She has been doing great just like Marco said it seem he knows bit of the silent night

But how does he know I must talk about it with him

"Hey Rachel were is Jasmin " said Axel

And Jasmin appeared in front of me smiling

"Never mind" he said leaving

"Hey Rachel how about a rematch we didn't get to finish the match"

"I don't know your not as strong as you were before and we are not in the same level "

"What think your going to lose "

She transformed into a witch and threw invisible knifes I could hear them I could sense them

"APPEAR" she yelled

I just didn't suspect this many knifes appeared around me ! They were all floating in air all the blades were pointing my direction she has been getting pretty strong

That is Jasmin for you training day and night just to be the best

I teleport behind her but when got there she was gone

"Your going to have be faster than that " she was on a tree branch

I shot red fire at her

I thought she was going to avoid

She fell to the ground I ran to her

" are you ok "

"Yeah I'm fine" she had burn marks on her hand and stomach

" I was just a bit dizzy"

I had a vision the forest was on fire I was on top of a tree looking down at all the dead bodies frozen in shock and there was someone laughing in the background a evil laugh

Victor laugh

"Hey Jasmin Jasmin are you ok "

"Yeah don't worry "

" are you sure "

"Yeah really "

"I am going for a walk I will see you guys at noon"

She ran into the woods

Jasmin Pov

I climb up a tall tree and sat on a tree branch and slept

I heard noises something was getting closer I still had my eyes close and haven't moved it doesn't sound like a animal and its coming pretty quickly I slowly put my hand on my knife that was on my belt

But it wasn't there

"Looking for this "

I quickly stood up and transform into a vampire and jump on top him

We both fell on ground

" Wow I didn't suspect that " he said laughing I look at his face it was Martin
I look around it was night

" how long was I asleep"

"Couple of hours "

"Is everyone ok "

"Yeah but everyone was freaking out especially Rachel "

I got off him and transform into a wolf and howled at the moon

Sending a message that I was ok

Axel howl ok and head back to the pack house

I howled again saiding I was going to stay a little long and that I was with Martin

Axel howled said that ok and to be careful

I transform into a vampire

"Want to go for a run "

"Sure "

We both ran using vampire super speed

We were like a blur it was also a beautiful night

With a full moon and beautiful trees

We stop in front of a river I sat down and look at the river rushing waters

"Is something wrong "

I explain the vision I have with him and he told he would be there and won't happen I told him I was scared and afraid of losing the people I love

And he said this

"I won't let anyone hurt or take you away from me again I will protect you Jasmin because I . . . lov . ."

And he hug me and and he put his hand on my chin made me look at him he smiled and kiss my forehead I hug him tighter

We head back to the pack house

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