unexpected call

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Ryder: where did I leave it maybe its in the second floor.

Chase: I wonder if alex is alright I've been thinking i haven't gotten much sleep wondering if he'll be OK maybe a drink will help and I might call mr porterin in  the morning

3rd: chase walked in to the lookout trying not to wake anyone up but as he was headed to the kitchen he saw ryder he looked like he was looking for something chase decides to walk up to ryder

Chase: hay ryder whats up

Ryder: oh hay chase what are you doing up so late

Chase: couldn't sleep

Ryder: think about alex

Chase: yeah anyway what are you doing

Ryder: I was looking for my pup pad I misplaced

Chase: you mean that one over there

3rd: ryder look over towards a small table

Ryder: huh I wonder how I missed that thanks chase

Chase: anytime

Ryder:well don't stay up to late

Chase: I wont

3rd: they were both headed to there beds untill ryder got a call chase stop and turned around and towards ryder who didn't notice him coming his way

Ryder: ryder here

Mr porter: hay ryder  it's About alex

3rd: ryder immediately thought the worst and he was right the next words he heart sink

Mr porter: alex passed away apparently there was to much smoke in his lungs and he didn't make it I called to tell you not to blame yourselves it was my fault for forgetting about him

3rd: Mr porter Hanged up and as soon as he did chase looked at ryder and tears flowing down ryder was thinking how tell the others when he heard chase

Ryder: chase

Chase: is something wrong ryder

3rd: ryder new he was going to tell the pups at some point in their life but this isn't how he expected to tell them

Ryder: chase its about time you and everyone else new

Chase: new what

Ryder: that the world is cruel and unforgiving

3rd: he explained how their were this terrible people who stole and took lifes for  money or because they felt like it

Ryder: the reason we don't have people like that is because adventure Bay is of the grid and only a few people know about them like barkingburg and the people in adventure city If  they found out how much gold and jewels where in the museum we would have so much crime it would be impossible to keep track

3rd: chase couldn't believe that what he was told was true he always thought the world was a much more peaceful place it only took him a few seconds to understand that his view was been blocked by a wall painted by happy memories

Chase: can't we do something about those type of people who are taking people of both their belongings and loved ones

Ryder: your all still young and to  unexperienced for the real world

3rd: as ryder was explaining why they can't deal with those type of situations he got another call

Ryder: ryder here

Atlas: hello son

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