far from home

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Ryder: he'll be back on a month so don't worry

Rocky: that explains a few things like the luggage he was carrying and why he was awake it 4 am but why didn't he tell us

Ryder: he probably didn't want anyone to worry to much

Skye: when will he be back

Ryder: he'll only be gone for a month

Skye: I can wait a month

Marshall: a month for what

3rd: skye hid her face from Marshall so that he wouldn't notice her blushing in the distance ryder could see the lookout

Ryder: were here pups

3rd: the airpatroller soon landed and everyone headed out wanting to do their own thing but before they could they heard ryders puppad

Zuma: what we just got here and we're already getting could out

Ryder: actually it's not a mission it's about chase

3rd: ryder ran into the the look out who was soon followed by everyone to the second floor where ryder connected his puppad to the flat screen

Ryder: is this about chase 

Atlas: yes I want him to stay for a while longer

Ryder: chase has always been an exceptional pup so its not surprising that he would catch your attention but how long will he stay with you

3rd: speaking of the devil here he is

Ryder: a year for what it was all supposed to be training

Chase: so you've heard

Atlas: I plan on sending him out soon

Ryder: how soon his only been there for a few hours he won't be sent alone will he

Chase: actually ryder meet Alice

Alice: hello I'm his new partner

Ryder: nice to meet you Alice

3rd: everyone in the back was thinking the same thing that is that she was cute except for skye who was some what  jealous and broken hearted not knowing that they were just partners and had  just met

Chase: if I can help anyone I'll do what ever it takes to make sure do what ever I can

Ryder: it's your decision to make it always was

Chase: thank you ryder

Atlas: he'll be back in a year or month the sooner they start their training the sooner they'll be back

3rd: the call ended chase and Alice went to go  train  everyone on the other side went down to watch some tv wondering if they should also find someone special

Marshall: why don't we invite everyone ever for a movie night

Zuma: you just wo to confess to everest don't you

Marshall: I'm I that predictable

Rocky: yes

Rubble: a movie night with everyone sounds great

Marshall: let's to see if ryder can call everyone over

3rd: they all headed inside to ask ryder if they could contact their friends  ryder agreed everyone soon arrived and noticed chase wasn't here

3rd: while everyone was getting everything ready for the movie chase and Alice had  already started their training using each other as motivation they were easily able to complete their test

Atlas: you've both done  better than expected your first mission will be tomorrow get some rest you earned it

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