the main event

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3rd:chase and Alice continued their train for some time when they where done they were called for their first mission

Atlas: your first mission is to assassinate a person called (oniel res) we've gotten intel that his selling high powered weapons to the local mob bosses
We stop him and stop the mob at the same time

Alice: didn't think our first mission would be an assassination

Chase: neither did I

Atlas: what did you think I would be

Chase: im not sure but assassinating a weapons dealer wasn't it

Atlas: you better get going the equipment you'll be using is on the your ride but you have to choices you can either killed him silently or a full on assault

3rd: they thought about it and both went with silent

Alice: the element of surprise is always the way to go

Chase: I guess we're going in dark

3rd: the both got their gear witch was a thin bullet pruff vest hidden under some clothes with a three poisonous needles and a pistol with a silencer after that they headed to the osprey that was waiting on them they soon landed before they got out they got a bit more info on the target

Alice: according to the intel his using this party to smuggle the weapons

Chase: will drag him out to a blind spot and kill him let's split up once we find him we contacted they other person through our ear piece

Alice: sounds like a plan

3rd: they went inside looking for there target and a while later Alice found him

Alice: a found him

Chase: bring him out I'll use one of these needles to finish the job as soon as you see me get clear

Alice: on it

3rd: Alice walked towards him

Alice: hello you must be oniel correct

Oniel: that's right what's It to you

Alice: im here to make sure everything is going according to plan

Oniel: so your who they sent

Alice: no one would suspect a pup

Omiel: true but let's not talk about it here
Let's go somewhere more private

Alice: follow me

3rdthey walked behind to a place behind a ware house

Oniel: this seems to be a good spot to-

3rd: before he could finish he felt a sharp pain in his neck

Oniel: what the

3rd: chase walked out and talked into his ear piece

Chase: the target is down

Agent: copie that prepare for extraction

Alice: we should make sure his dead before we leave

3rd: chase handed her his gun with a silencer and aimed at his head and took the shot

Chase: now we're sure he is dead

Alice: let's get going

3rd: they got on a vehicle with headed to the extraction zone

Alice: how do you think we did

Chase: If we killed the right person then we did good you did great getting him out

Alice: you did two I didn't even notice you until you had stabbed him with that poisonous needle

Chase: well I couldn't have done it without you

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