a long night

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3rd: chase had just finished apologizing to skye

Wild: do you still wanna race

Chase: maybe some other time sorry zero Wildcat

Zero: it's ok it is getting a little dark and we don't know where we're gonna race either

Wild: you do have a point let's hold it of until tomorrow

Alice: good idea and we haven't checked out our rooms yet

Chase: no better time like the present

3rd: they all headded inside chase and Alice went to check out their room and ryder showed sweetie and zero to the guest room witch was pretty big after they were done they went to go watch a movie with the rest they watched two movies but in the second one everyone was feeling tired so they headed to their room and they did the same

Chase: I think it's time we headed to our room and zero maybe I'll teach you to drive tomorrow

Zero: can't wait don't blame me I crash the car tho

Chase: I wont I'll wake up wild in the morning and everyone else

3rd: everyone was asleep except for chase and Alice who were putting their gear on

Alice: can't believe we got a mission

Chase: well he did say we could be needed at anytime

Alice: I know but I wanted more time with you hopefully this won't take long

Chase: I hope so to and (in a sexy voice)
we'll get out alone time

Alice: your sexy voice isn't helping

3rd: chase Laughed

Chase: and you said I was the impatient one

3rd: they both finished putting their gear and headed outside in front of the look out

Chase: so what do we got

Alice:we got reports of a dangerous individual here in adventure Bay

Chase: we should find who it is and dispose of it before anyone finds out

Alice: we should hurry

Path: that's no way to talk to family

Chase: who are your

Path: and I'm not the only one

3rd: Path walked closer to chase and told him that he wasn't the only one

Path: we have sisters and a younger brother

Chase: that can't be true

Path: don't you remember you were taken from us when we all left to find food you never came back we looked everywhere but couldn't find you

Chase: how did you find me now

Path: we had to get our hands dirty

Alice: we

Path: you didn't really think I'd come say hi without everyone did you did you

3rd: the rest of his family soon walked out except his parents

Chase: hang on we got reports of a dangerous individual don't tell me that was you

Path: we had to get our hands dirty but we've never killed anyone and why do you mean by reports

Lillie: are you a police

Alice: something like that yea

Eli: who is this

Chase: this is Alice she is my mate

Orson: should have known that the oldest would get a girlfriend first

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