Dissent in the Council

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“I could talk to you forever, you’re easy to talk to,” Chris shared from Quin’s side as she stared up at the ceiling. “To be honest, I could go for some of that bbq they were handing out downstairs. You didn’t eat. What’re you gonna do? Shit, it’s already late.”

“Time flies when you’re having fun,” Quin sighed sitting up from the bed and gathering Chris’ clothes from the bathroom. “Don’t make too much noise when you go down, the doors are unlocked. Go straight out.”


“Quin,” she corrected watching his eyes widen with wonder.

“Quin,” he repeated. “Quin..”

“Yes?” She asked once more as he’d been struck silent. “What is it?”

“I can’t. I can’t go.”

“Of course you can. Why do you mean?" 

"No, I can’t. Not without making sure you know exactly how I feel about you. I don’t want you to wonder. Quin,” he grabbed her hand placing it over his quick-beating heart. “I want to be with you. This isn’t a fly by night thing for me, I’ll do anything you need me to.”

“I need you to go,” Quin pressed, but she didn’t mean it and he pushed until she wavered. 

“..Why can’t you just go,” she sighed exhausted 

“I can’t do that,” he repeated catching her in another embrace. “If there was a way to show you how serious I am..”

“I know you’re serious,” her heart cried because it didn’t matter. Her feelings didn’t matter. She had too much to lose, even in her relationship with the goddess which came first and foremost. She couldn’t turn her back.

He kneeled on both knees in prayer with his head and arms raised.

“Goddess Raysha, please,” he begged, “Take pity on my desire for your priestess. I am at her feet gunned down by love. She is my goddess. She can take anything she likes. Please..,” he looked up to Quin who was stricken with uncertainty in her decision. “Have mercy on a man in love..”

“Dammit Chris, get up.” She pulled him up and leaned against his chest unsure of what to do next. “The Council wouldn’t approve, I’d be stripped on my position and then I’d be a temple servant. I can’t let that happen.”

“I won’t let it happen, I’ll coke when it’s dark and everyone’s asleep.. I’ll be out before daybreak. No one will ever know.

"They’ll know. I get the feeling you suck at hiding your feelings.”

“Quin, I swear.” He held her eyes until again, she caved.

“It’s those blues,” she touched his cheek with a sigh. “Those beautiful ocean eyes.. Okay. I’ll leave one door open, but you better not get caught or I’ll say you broke in. He kissed her without a word and opened the door to disappear quickly. She shut it, leaning against it in a high level of stress, praying he didn’t get caught. 

The new day came with the usual responsibilities. Leading regular prayer in increments throughout the day, educating newer Celestial Order members from the holy text, guiding them in their enlightenment.

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