Chapter 20: Steven's Savior

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This chapter is told by the POV of Steven

The shooting stops and I laugh at the terrified faces of the S.W.A.T agents as their bullets float infront of my hand

"You killed my friend.." I say looking at the agent that shot Jacob " I kill yours!!" I shout then push my hand forward and send all of their bullets flying back to them piercing straight through their body armor and through their bodies. Everyone falls to the ground dead infront of me. I begin breathing heavily then fall to my knees exhausted. What the hell did I just do?! I throw up on the ground then sit down and try to relax. Agents pile out of the car and I put my hands behind my head in surrender

"You need to keep your hands up and make no sudden movements" a S.W.A.T agent tells me. I look up athim tear filled and a bullet wizzes through his skull. I flinch in shock as agents fall left and right to the unknown gunfire. Once all of the agents are dead a little girl walks up to me out of nowhere. She looks about eight or nine years old. Maybe ten at the most

"You gonna sit there all day pissing yourself or are you going to get up, get in the truck, and get the fuck out of here?" she says taking the keys from one of the agent's uniform. I get up really confused but walk over to the truck and get in as if I'm on autopilot. She goes around to the other door and is grabbed by an agent with a wound in his arm, she squirms free and pulls a knife from her boot and stabs his hand then reaches down and takes his knife from his belt, kicks him away and throws the knife into his neck. She gets in and looks over to me and wipes blood from her cheek

"Umm.." I stammer

"No questions. Keep it to yourself. Lets get out of here" she says then starts the truck and drives off. She is barely big enough to see over the steering wheel but she does fine. She drives a bit with the siren to pass cars then pulls into the woods and stops

"What are we doing?" I ask her

"Ok one, what did I say about questions? And two, we are ditching the truck, there's a tracking device in it. Come on bitch boy, you're coming with me" she says pulling me out of the car. She walks through the woods like a ninja dodging every tree limb, hole, and dare I even say leaf that is on the ground infront of her. I on the other hand step on every tree branch, a snake, and then into a hole getting stuck

"Little girl! Help!" I yell not wanting her to leave me here

"Really? You're kidding right?" she says frowning at me. She walks behind me then kicks the back of my leg sending me to the ground but at least freeing me from the hole. I begin getting up but she pushes me back down

"Hey! Why did you-"

"No questions. Just shut up and listen" she snaps at me

"No! You fucking listen you little fucking egotistical know it all little munchkin bratty bitch! I'm done taking your shit! Why did you rescue me if you don't even fucking like me?! Huh?! Why don't you give me a fucking answer for once instead of saying 'no questions' like a little bitch!" I say exploding at her. She just stares at me so mad that she looks like she wants to beat the shit out of me, and I know she can. Tears start forming in her eyes and I realize that even though she is tough and just killed like a dozen agents, she is still a nine or ten year old girl

"Look.. I say no questions because I have no answers. I don't know the answers ok... I'm sorry.." she says then begins to walk off "I'm sorry I was mean to you, good luck out there" then she's gone.

Good. I don't need her anyway. I walk a different direction than her and decide I need to find some food. I find a large tree with alot of low down branches and decide this is a good place to set a trap. I use my mind powers to pull back and hold some low down branches then wait for about an hour behind another tree until a deer passes by and I let go of my hold on the branches and they swing towards the deer. Of course they miss, but I was close. I do notice some berries while watching the deer run off and decide these will have to do. I eat and then head out, I walk until it gets dark and decide I want to find somewhere to camp at. I keep looking around but can't find a place with cover like a cave or cabin or anything and am about to give up when I see a figure laying on the ground in the distance. When I get closer I notice whatever it is, it's shivering. I walk up and realize it's the little girl again

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask sitting next to her. She looks up obviously cold but still frowns and turns away

"Go away, I don't need you" she says stubbornly. I stand up and walk over to a large pile of leaves. I telepathically lift them and smash them together with some dirt so they will hold then using the makeshift blanket I cover the girl

"You don't need me. But I need you. You're strong, but not if you freeze to death" I say comforting her

"Thank you.." she says looking at me confused

"My names Steven" I say putting my hand out to her, she shakes my hand and introduces herself

"I'm Jessica" she says

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