Chapter 23: Double Vision

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This chapter is told by the POV of Devin

I get sent flying back by the tigress lady's kick to the chest. Desmond is on the ground wrestling with the monkey guy. Desmonds at a disadvantage since the monkey has his tail he can use

"Hey, dont kick him you bitch!" Beth screams and runs towards the tigress. The tigress sighs and smacks Beth sending her to the ground

"Again, why fight me? Your just going to end up dying, and for what? This stupid boy?" Tigress says walking towards me and stepping on my chest. I cough as she applies more pressure. She lifts her foot up allowing me to intake a breath just to step it right back out of me again and again. I begin to laugh a little between gasping for air. She raises an eyebrow to me in wonder

"You shouldn't have gotten cocky" I say grabbing her leg and pulsing electricity into her body. She collapses to the ground dead next to me. I stand up and walk over to Desmond to help him. The monkey man turns to see me too late. I grab his face a shock him and right before he takes his last breath he lashes out at Desmond with his tail causing him to be shocked as well

"Devin no!" Kelly screams and run towards Desmond. I stop pulsing and rush forward to catch him. He lands in my arms and shakes a little bit from the immense shock. I look down into his eyes and can tell he's dying

"Desmond. I'm so sorry man. I didn't mean to. It was an accident"

"Dude chill, its ok, I'll be fine" he says trying to reassure me, then coughs and wheezes trying to catch his breath. I know he is about to take his last breath soon so I place my hand on his arm

"Desmond, you were a good friend, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I say as he slips away. He closes his eyes and all his muscles ease and I know he's gone. After a few long painful minutes, I stand up to turn to the others and they are all looking at me with scared looks on their faces

"Devin..." Beth says taking a step back

"Baby. I didn't mean to. I won't hurt you" I say taking a step towards her

"Devin.." Beth says again looking more scared than ever. Madeline steps forward and raises her fists up and the air gets a bit colder. I take a step back and put my hands up in surrender

"Madeline, I'm not gonna hurt you, I didn't mean to kill him I swear" I say going to my knees

"Devin..." Beth says stepping forward. I look up at her with sadness in my eyes and look into her eyes. As I look in her eyes I realize she isn't looking back at me, I didn't realize it till I went to my knees, she isn't looking at me she's looking at something or someone behind me. I slowly get up and turn around. As the figure that everybody was scared of come into my view, my heart stops in its tracks. Standing there above Desmond's dead body, looking down at it, is Desmond himself

"What's going on here?" He asks looking from us to his body back to us

"What the fuck? What are you talking about?" I say taking a step back

"What am I talking about? I'm talking about me. Me being right there dead, and me being right here alive" he says motioning to himself and his dead self

"I don't exactly know what's going on, either he's an imposter or your an imposter, and if its you, I'm warning you now, you will not get out of here alive unless you turn and leave now" I say sternly looking him dead in the eyes

"Shut up Devin" he replies and squats next to his dead body "Its me, I promise you that, but I wonder who this really is" he reaches towards the imposters face "They really did a nice job though, it looks exactly like me"

"Desmond don't touch him, he's dead so lets just leave him be" Kelly tells him quietly. He ignores her and touches the dead imposter's face. The imposter's face begins to morph and the skin itself seems to move to Desmond's fingers. Desmond's tries standing up but can't remove his hand from the morphing body's face

"Devin help me!" He says pulling at his arm with his other hand. The imposter's face and head seemingly begins to be fusing with Desmond's hand and the rest of the body slowly follows

"Desmond I got you!!" I say rushing forward towards him. I reach out my hand to him "Grab it!!" An arm reaches straight out of his hip and reaches towards me and I fall back from shock. While on the ground the third arm sinks back into Desmond's body and the legs, the last part of the dead body, does the same into Desmond's hand. He begins staggering back and then stands perfectly still

"Desmond are you ok?" Madeline says stepping forward

"It was me" he says looking at her "I was the dead body, I remember it all now, I remember what happened last night"

"What?" I ask "What happened, how was that you laying there dead?"

"Last night I walked a couple trees away to go piss and got a really bad headache and felt like my head was splitting apart, I fell straight back and sprawled out on the ground and right before I blacked out, I remember looking up at myself standing there holding my head in pain. I don't know how, but I remember both laying there and standing there, I remember both of the series of events that both mes encountered " he said, pausing to emphasize this next point "I think that somehow, I made a clone of myself"

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