Chapter 21: Tigress Temptation

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This chaper is told by the POV of Devin

We run for hours on end with only a few ten minute breaks to get water and use the bathroom from a creek or whatever is nearby. Everybody is exausted and Madeline is hysterical about her dad

"I bet he's ok" I lie to her to make her feel better

"Who do you think you're kidding, Devin! He's dead! Those goverment Nazis killed him!" She screams and the air around the group starts to get chilly

"Madeline, calm down" Desmond says patting her back

"How can I calm down when my father just died because of me?!" She snaps at him

"If your father could be here now would he want you grieving over him or getting to safety so we can destroy that evil lab?" I say reasoning with her. She looks up at me and begins to cry

"How can you be so calm when your best friend just died back there as well?" She asks between sobs. Everybody goes silent and turns towards me. I just shake my head and smile

"Steven is fine. He's alive and on the run, same as us. The only problem for him is he is alone until he finds us. He is a tough kid, he's fine" I tell the group and Madeline stops crying "Now, we are only about ten to fifteen miles away from the lab Im guessing, so we should probably get going" We head out on our journey once more. After walking for another hour we stop for the night to camp. I start a small campfire by shooting sparks onto a pile of small dry twigs then add bigger sticks to it after. When the fire is able to go without my help I lay my head against Beth's shoulder and look around at the tired faces of my friends. The people who ran my way were Beth, Kelly, Madeline, and Desmond

"Do you think they're alright?" Kelly asks quitely

"Who?" I ask back

"Antonio" she says looking down "And our friends that ran the other way"

"They're fine" I say shooting her a true look of confidence "They have Antonio and Milton. Milton might be a bonehead but he's got that fire power, and there is no way Antonio will let himself die until he knows you're safe. Count on it" She nods and smiles then we all eat some food I stole from a house while on the run today. After we eat we all go to sleep so we will have energy to run in the morning.

We all wake up to the sound of a train horn as the ground around us vibrates slightly. I stand up and stretch then look around to see the sun rising in the distance. I listen to the soft rumbling and chugging of the train as it passes by somewhere to my right until it clicks

"Guys get up!" I yell and stomp the small fire out "That train! We need to catch it!" Everyone gets up slowly at first then when they slowly gain more conciousness they bolt up and begin running towards the train. We run as fast as we can to catch it but having just woken up we don't make it in time and miss it.

"Shit! I'm sorry Devin" Desmond says sitting down to catch his breath

"It's not your fault" Kelly says collapsing on her butt as well. We all sit down to catch our breaths. After sitting for a few minutes I begin hearing a rustle in the bushes a couple dozen feet away from us. I slowly grab a small rock and toss it into the bushes to hopefully scare out a small animal that could be hiding there. The rock lands in the bushes then comes flying back out at me and narrowly misses my head. I stand up ready for whats behind the bushes when something lands on my back semdimg my to the dirt. Whatever landed on me crawls off of me and looking up at the bushes I see a pair of firey yellow eyes staring back at me. Not again. A man in a white robe pounces out of the bushes on Desmond who stood up when the other creature fell on my back. The creature on Desmond has orange and black stripes on his fur skin stuff and teeth like daggers. The other creature that looks pretty normal besides being pretty hairy and having a tail and wide ears jumps over to Kelly and Beth. He grabs ahold of Kelly then gets a large chunk of ice smashed on his head

"Back off monkeybrains. Ive had enough shit for one lifetime without you and your feline companian over there causing more" Madeline screams then kicks him square in the jaw. Desmond manages to throw the tiger creature off of him then scurries over to the girls where I stand infront of them ready to fight for them with my life

"Well then" the tiger creature says in a surprisingly elegant and beautiful female voice "Who's this pretty thing?" She says gesturing towards Madeline "I didnt know there was another beautiful gifted women here besides me. Im here to collect this electrical pig as my prize, but getting you will surely be quite the bonus. Why fight me when you can join me to bring in this filthy boy? We can show them all the true power of women. How about it? Fight alongside your fellow woman?"

"Never!" Madeline says stepping up next to me "I will never betray my friends!"

"Pity pity pity..." The tiger lady says shaking her head "Guess Ill have to bring you in as well"

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