"What are these?" 🪦

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TW: Self h@rm, depression, Anxiety

Kazuha POV

Scaramouche has been werid lately he's been covering up more, I haven't seen his arms or thighs in awhile

We just got back form a run in the rain we go to my house

"Oh, we're soaking wet"

"No sh!t Sherlock it was raining"

"So Rude"

Kazuha made a stabbing I'm the heart motion to show how hurt he was

"Oh stop it."

"Haha Sorry Love, Anyway let's get changed, let me help you"

Kazuha tried to take off Scaras shirt but he slapped his hand away

"Huh, Are you still mad at me?"

"N-No I um Sorry"

"Then come on nothing to be shy about I've seen you naked"

"You change first"


Kazuha changes into some dry clothes then walks back out to see Scara struggling

"Here let me help"






He saw it.


He's gonna be mad at me


He's gonna hit me


He's gonna send me to a hospital


He saw it.

He saw it.

He saw it.

Before I knew it I was in the bathroom I grabbed a shirt while I was running and I'm in the corner with my hands in my head and my knees on my chest I slap my head trying to get it to stop repeating



"Love please open the door"

"No! You're gonna yell at me, then hit me, and then your gonna send me to a hospital!"

"Love calm down, I would never do that, I know that your scared of the hospital, I just wanna bandage them up."

"You probably think I'm disgusting and annoying, and that you can't wait for me to just die Aren't you?"

"Love no. I would never even start to wish you were gone, I love you"

Kazuha now has a shaky vocie and is starting to tear up he grabs something and picks the lock

He sees Scara poking at his stomach with a knife

"Love..Don't.. Please"

Scara pushes and Kazuha runs up to him and throws the knife there was only a small cut Kazuha sighed in relief and hugs Scara crying

Scara looks at the ground feeling guilty

"Give me your arm"

Scara hands it over and Kazuha bandages it


Scara lifted up his shorts and Kazuha stared with sadness in his eyes but he started to bandage them

"Kazuha I-"

Kazuha puts a finger on his lip and smiles even with his tears

"We can talk later just....let's cuddle and watch a movie"



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