Chapter 3. Oh well </3

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//Opinions on the song i chose ————————————>

Badboyhalo's POV

After i helped my now assigned mortal, we talked for a while... he didnt have much to tell because i knew most of his info already. Oh right! I wanted to tell you something! Yea you reader 0^0.

You might wonder what danger awaits for Zak? Well, i have no answer to this question. But one i can tell for sure. It will come and exist in the future, maybe soon enough... but as time passes it will grow, and noone still knows what it will be and my job is to find what it is and defend him. Oh and it might sound like we - gods, are stalkers who know all the info about mortals. Heh thats not true actually. A lot of information is restricted from our knowledge so we mostly know the mortals' families, ages, weights, heights, occupations, etc.

We may also not know ANYTHING about the danger that will soon happen to our assigned mortal because we cant really see in the future... but we can sense something bad happening to a mortal in future 👍 I know it sounds really weird and quite too complicated but there is nothing we can do.

Oh right right!!! Back to out story!

After about half-hour of talking Zak asked me a pretty smart question...

—How are gonna be guarding me if youre a whole ass 10 feet steamy-foggy demon god?

I chuckled lightly and once again looked at him. His face showed a lot confusion, probably because of my chuckle.

—I have a human form Zak. Do you wanna see it?
I smiled even though my black void face didnt show any emotions or even have a mouth.

—You do!? SHOW ME SHOW ME!
He sounded like a little child waiting for their parents to let them see the gift for Christmas. Hehe... cute... WAIT! No. Rules say that you CAN NOT fall in love with a mortal, or you will be forever exiled from the afterlife, and can only visit limbo which... doesnt have anything interesting there.

I came back to consciousness when i saw a hand waving before my eyes. I tilted my head to see the still excited boy in front of me.


—Oh right sorry i forgot!

I brushed his hand away from my face because it was getting annoying. He kept looking at me waiting. I let out a sigh and all mist around my started forming a black bubble. Soon enough i was sure that all Zak could now see was a black misty, floating ball.

A few second later i felt my arms forming and being covered in skin. I wasnt really used to this feeling... then i felt skin covering my whole now formed body, i felt silky hair floating above my head, a pair of glasses made their way through the fog around me. Seconds later i now had a mouth, clothes over me, green eyes(idk how he knew that) and square-shaped glasses.

I now felt out of the misty fog/foggy mist and heard fangirling/fanboying in front of me. I opened my eyes feeling a lot shorter than i was a few seconds before, i felt really weird about having limits in my body... it wasnt the way it was like when i was in the demi-god form...

—Yooo! You look quite nice... though... nerdy

Zak smiled softly and i smiled back. It actually felt a lot more satisfying when i smiled with my mouth and not in my imagination.

Zak's POV(when BBH was in the bubble)

I did not expect the bubble with red-ish stripes appear... It didnt look like a human at all... uhm.. maybe he's just transforming there or something? Guess i'll just wait. The silence was getting annoying a frustrating now... well it wasnt really silence, there was a white noise sound coming from the bubble... it made me more uncomfortable ngl.

Soon enough the bubble popped and, instead of a steamy demon thing there was a taller man standing in front of me.

He had pale skin, light-brown hair, it seemed really silky, unlike mine - messy and ruffled hair. He had square glasses, black hoodie with red stripes and dark grey jeans that were ripped near the knees.

He looked so nice, i swear if i were gay or bi i would definitely fall for him...
Oh well </3

//Yaaay another chapter done, and still noone read the 2nd chapter((( awh ok(((
Again, pls vote((((((((

760 words

Edited: September 13, 2022, 4:35 pm

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