Chapter 4: School Prince

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Hwang Y/N POV:

We met up with the rest of the student council and sat down to eat.

We chatted and joked around, eating our food in the process.

"Why don't you wake up on time?" The president nagged at me.

"Yeah! You don't want to get expelled," Danielle said.

"I doubt you can do that," I said with a smirk.

Suddenly, everything went completely silent, and in seconds everyone started whispering and looking towards the main entrance.

I turned to look at what everyone was staring at and turned back around smirking.

"You'll find out soon enough," I whispered...

"The Prince is here!" , "He's so hot!", "The school Prince is eating in the dining hall OMG", I heard people whisper.

Everyone continued to stare and I just continued eating my food. Soon I heard footsteps behind me approaching.

The steps suddenly stopped right behind me and I heard a deep voice say, "So you're the new transfer student."

"Yes," I replied not even bothering to look at who was behind me.

I already knew who it was...

"Umm this is Hwang Y/N," The president said standing up and bowing at the person behind me.

"Y/N, this is Hwang Hyunjin, he is the son of the founder of the school," she introduced the person.

"Thank you, President. We are acquainted," the person replied... "Aren't we Y/N?" they asked.

"Yes, oppa," I replied and suddenly the whispers started again.

"Are they related?", "Who is she?", "Why is he talking to her?"

He then put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Y/N-ah here is my little sister."

Everyone in the room gasped including the student council.

Hyunjin then gave me a hug and sat next to me.

"So, why didn't you tell me you were transferring here?" He asked.

"I figured Dad would tell you," I answered.

"He never tells me anything, he's always so busy or I always have to work," He responded.

The girls were all staring at him and I didn't even bother to look at him.

He's my brother and I love him but we're complete opposites.

"Okay, I got to go. I just wanted to come see you," He said with a smile and walked off.

Everyone watched him leave and then looked at me.

"You're The Prince's sister?!?" Hyein asked loudly.

"Wait you're the founder's kid?!?" Minji asked in shock.

Everyone in the dining hall looked at me... I figured this would be their reaction but I didn't think everyone would find out so soon.

"Yup! That's why I said I doubt you could expel me...," I responded.

"That explains all the confidence," The president replied.

I continued to eat my food.

"But why didn't you come to this school from the start?" Haerin asked.

"I'm not interested in being an idol, actor, or athlete... Dad just sent me here so oppa can keep an eye on me and as a punishment for getting kicked out of my other schools...," I answered honestly.

I finished eating my food and left without saying a word.

I made my way to my next class ignoring the whispers and stares of the entire school.

The Prince:

Hwang Hyunjin

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Hwang Hyunjin

Age: 22
Grade: 6th Year
Character: Mysterious, Hardworking
Relationship: Older Brother
Agency: JYP Entertainment






Author's Note: Who's a stray kid fan here?

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