Chapter 7: Good Girl

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Hwang Y/N POV:

The next day I woke up early.

I felt so much better and made myself breakfast.

I decided to stop by the store on my way to class and bought banana milk and a samgak kimbap for Minji unnie as a thank you for taking care of me.

I got to class 15 minutes early and sat in seat... feeling the stares of everyone in the room.

Soon enough Hannie unnie walked in and waved at me. The president walked behind her and stopped in her tracks once she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked gripped her school books tighter against her chest.

"I'm here for class," I replied confused.

"I mean... you're on time," she said in shock.

"I figured I'll save you the trouble," I said giving her a gummy smile.

"Okay...." she replied a bit skeptical.

The president looked really cute today and just the sight of her made my heart race.

The president looked really cute today and just the sight of her made my heart race

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"Come on, don't fall for her!" I thought to myself.

The president sat next to me and I smiled at her.

Soon, Wonyoung walked in.

"You're in my seat," she told Minji.

"Find another," she replied.

Wonyoung scuffed and rolled her eyes finding her way to another seat.

"Why do you want to seat next to me?" I asked the president.

The professor walked in distracting Minji from answering.

"To take care of you," she whispered to me.

I placed the banana milk and samgak kimbap on her desk and then focused on class.

"What's this?" She whispered to me.

"My way of saying thank you," I whispered back.

"For what?" She asked.

"For taking care of me," I replied.

The class went on and we had to do partner work.

Me and Minji peacefully worked together on our assignment.

As the class ended the professor said, "make sure to finish your partner projects by the end of the week!"

We all exited the classroom and I made my way to the dining hall.

Suddenly, Minji unnie grabbed my wrist.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked her.

"Thank you for the snacks," she answered.

"You're welcome," I replied.

"Could I talk to you in my office?" She asked.

"Sure," I replied and Minji unnie guided me to her office.

We arrived at her office and she locked the door.

"Father must be pretty dependent on you to give you your own office," I told her.

"Yes, he is" she replied.

"To be completely honest, he called me to ask me to look after you shortly before you arrived on campus," she confessed.

"Oh." I simply said

"I have something to tell you," she then said.

"Okay," I said.

She moved closer to me, staring me right in the eyes.

"I think I like you," she said.

My heart started to race and my mind became cloudy unsure of what to even think.

"But," she said.... "it is inappropriate of me to have feelings for the chairman's daughter so I think I must distance myself from you," she finished off.

"What? Why?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Because I'm not like Wonyoung," she started.... "I don't want to attract anyone's attention. I specifically don't want to have the responsibility of becoming the school's princess or any tittle the students want to give me."

"But you're the student body president," I answered.

"My job is to keep the students on check, not be the face of the entire school." She responded

I took a step forward, getting close to her face.

"I don't want you to leave me," I told her.

"I'm sorry, it's inappropriate" she replied.

"But you didn't even ask me how I felt about you," I responded.

"How do you feel about me?" She asked.

I looked her in the eyes and then cupped her face, slowly pressing my lips against her.

I kissed her for a few seconds but she never kissed me back.

I broke the kiss and took a step back.

There was a tear running down her cheek. I gently wiped it off and she grabbed my hand.

"Please stop, it's inappropriate" she said.

I sighed... giving in and responded, "alright."

"I will finish our project for us and give you some note to review for the presentation after that we will have no more interactions," she said.

"Okay," I replied.

I grabbed my bag and left her office feeling a bit sadden by what had just happened.

But ultimately I decided to respect her decision.






Author's Note: Can't tell if I feel bad for Minji or Y/N.... >-<

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