Chapter 10: The Game

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Hwang Y/N POV:

It was the day of the game and everyone seemed excited... except for me...

I was nervous about the game.

I showed up to class a bit early as I had been doing for the last few weeks.

Surprisingly, The president had yet to arrive.

As I sat down on my usual seat, my phone suddenly vibrated.

Minji Unnie <3

I feel cute today <3

"Thank you for the jersey

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"Thank you for the jersey.
I'll be cheering for you!"

The president had texted.

I had given her my spare jersey to wear for the game.

Her text made my heart flutter and I smiled like an idiot.

A few minutes later, unnie walked into class and my jaw dropped at how gorgeous she looked in my jersey. She took her seat next to me. "Stop staring you might make me melt," she teased.

"Yes, ma'am!" I replied like a good kid.

She chuckled and then asked, "How do I look?"

My dumbass replied, "Since when do you care about what you look like?"

She rolled her eyes and I got the hint on what I was supposed to say.... but I said something else instead... trying to tease her, "You look cute today... since you're wearing MY jersey."

"Oh shut up!" She replied blushing.

"President who's jersey is that?" Eunchae asked.

"It's Hwang-ssi's," she answered with a gummy smile.

"Woah, are you dating the school's heartthrob?" Eunchae replied.

"Since when am I a heartthrob?" I asked her all confused.

"Don't you know?" She asked all confused.

"Huh?" I exclaimed.

"Half the school has a crush on you," she responded.

I was so confused...

"No, we're not dating. We're just really good friends," Unnie finally answered her.

The professor soon walked in and class started.

The whole class I kept on asking myself how the hell half the school had a crush on me... I mean... I'm a mess.

The day soon ended and I felt like having a panic attack while walking into the locker room.

"You ready, Sis?" Oppa asked as we walked into the gym to warm up.

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