Chapter 661

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Zhou Wu Ni took Lin Xiu around today. They went out in the morning and didn't come back until the evening. They had visited a lot of scenic spots.

Although the two had a good time, it was tiring. After taking a bath and having dinner, the two went back to their respective rooms to prepare to sleep.

Tomorrow they will go stroll elsewhere.

Lin Qing He came over to Zhou Wu Ni's room and told her about Jiang Heng's conditions.

Zhou Wu Ni felt shy: "Fourth Aunt, why are you talking about this? Now we're under one roof. We'll bump into each other frequently."

"It's not what I want to talk about. It's your mother who called me today and asked me to look around. So I was pondering. Jiang Heng is a motivated person and you have seen him. Gentle and scholarly isn't bad. Although he only graduated from high school, he's younger than you. If you guys are willing to date, it can be regarded as older sister-younger brother match. The happiness index will be much higher." Lin Qing He stated.

This was based on statistics. The happiness index of such match's family was relatively high.

"Still younger than me? How can that do?" Zhou Wu Ni was shocked and became even more embarrassed.

Such a small brother, how could she stretch out her paws to him?

"Are you silly? Is the difference between you two big? What does it matter? And it's better to be a little bit smaller. A little pup during the day and a little wolf at night." Lin Qing He teased.

Zhou Wu Ni's face blushed at once. Thinking about Jiang Heng in that way, she still felt can't make that move.

"Don't be embarrassed. I think he is quite satisfied with you. I guess he know that I want to matchmake you two today and ushered to tell his situation." Lin Qing He smilingly told.

"Then what's the situation with him?" Zhou Wu Ni blushed.

In every aspects, Jiang Heng was pretty decent. Zhou Wu Ni didn't think too much. But when Jiang Geng mentioned that last night, it was impossible for her to not have any thoughts.

Lin Qing He recounted it and finally said: "Jiang Heng has been here for so many days. He hasn't properly looked around. Aren't you taking Ah Xiu out tomorrow? Let him go with you two then?"

"Fourth Aunt..."

"Alright. It's settled like this." Lin Qing He waved her hand as she knew she was shy rather than resisting. She got up to leave.

Jiang Geng, Jiang Heng, and Third were still watching TV. While Zhou Qing Bai was coaxing his little girl to sleep in the room.

Little Mi Mi was spoiled by him. When she sleep, she got to have her dad go in and coax her to sleep. Only after kisses, hugs, and up high would she go to bed.

Of course, Zhou Qing Bai was willing to do so.

Lin Qing He sat down and spoke, "Jiang Heng, you have been here for so many days. You haven't visited the scenery of the capital. Tomorrow, stroll around with Hong Min and Ah Xiu."

Jiang Heng's heart beat a little faster and readily agreed, "Okay."

"I'll go with you." Jiang Geng followed.

"Okay, you can go together." Lin Qing He nodded.

Because it was done so openly, Zhou Gui Lai didn't think about whether his mom had any impure purpose.

Lin Qing He asked when the second wine shop will be opened.

"Mom, if you are willing, I can start to sort it out in a few days. Would the shop at Ximen work?" Zhou Gui Lai asked.

"Yes. You can take someone over to set up the decoration." Lin Qing He had no objection.

Red wine was can be kept for a long time. The older it was, the more valuable it was.

Zhou Gui Lai agreed.

He was an ambitious man too. The wine shop that he partnered with his second brother-in-law was almost stabilized now. The four college graduate watching the shop was quite talented.

So, the second shop was about to be set up.

What's more, Jiang Heng had went to explore with Zhou Wu Ni and Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was smart. On the first day, she felt the sligtly ambiguous atmosphere between Zhou Wu Ni and Jiang Heng. She knew what to do and asked Jiang Geng to take her around. Creating personal space for the two of them.

Because of a few days of exploring around, Zhou Wu Ni and Jiang Heng got to know each other thoroughly.

Jiang Heng couldn't stay at this side for too long. He had been here for almost ten days. it was about time for him to go back to Hai City.

Lin Qing He sought Zhou Wu Ni and asked about it.

Even though the conditions of the two of them were excellent, it sometimes still need to rely on connection. The feeling was the most important.

Zhou Wu Ni felt a little shy and said: "For the time being, we'll date like this."

"If you find him pretty good, you can take Ah Xiu over to Hai City to see the bustling city when Jiang Heng go back the day after tomorrow." Lin Qing He suggested.

This was to let Zhou Wu Ni go to Jiang Heng's house to see exactly his home was like.

Although they will move out after marriage, she still need to check it out.

Zhou Wu Ni was embarrassed: "Will it be too soon to go over like this?"

"It's not you're going there to do anything. Just go to the Hai City and stroll around. Don't take it to your heart." Lin Qing He comforted: "As for getting married, don't rush. It's not too late to discuss it when you're both familiar with each other."

Going over was to see what the future husband's family would look like. Not going over to get married.

"I'll call and ask my mother tomorrow." Zhou Wu Ni responded.

Lin Qing He internally remarked, if you ask your mother, your mother might want you to get married on the spot.

Sure enough, Zhou Wu Ni called back the next day. Third Sister-in-law answered the phone without hesitation: "When you go over and visit, remember to buy some presents. Don't go to the house with empty hands, understand? Also dress nicely."

Zhou Wu Ni was helpless.

Lin Qing He waited until she hung up the phone before merrily speaking: "It's necessary to bring a gift when visiting. It's just a thought. You don't need to specially dress up. Wear what you normally wear is fine."

So Zhou Wu Ni made up her mind. She'll go to Hai City with Jiang Heng on tomorrow morning's earliest ride. Lin Xiu would join them.

Jiang Geng didn't go back during the summer vacation. So Lin Qing He shooed him to join them this time. On the way, he brought a lot of local specialty products and some trendy clothes for Xue Mei Li and Jiang Yu.

Jiang Geng wasn't stupid either. After all this time, he realized that his second cousin was dating ELder Sister Hong Min.

While Jiang Heng was in the bathroom, he followed and asked in a hushed voice.

"En." Jiang Heng grinned.

"I was saying!" It dawned on Jiang Geng at once. Then a grin spread: "Then you got fight for it, Secodn Brother. Elder Sister Min is a virtuous person at first glance. She won't be picky and naggy about eat one too many tomato like Eldest Sister-in-law. You have to seize the opportunity."

"Home is too small. I don't know if your elder sister Min will dislike it." Jiang Heng expressed his worry.

"Just go out and rent a house after getting married. My godfather still got a house at that side. It's not far from the tea shop. There is also a school nearby where Elder Sister Min can teach. You can live there first. When you have money, you can go out and buy one yourself." Jiang Geng responded.

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