ShinTodo incorrect quotes (っ'ω`)ノ

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Shinso: I found a full proof method of determining if someone is truly evil

Momo: and that is?

Shinso: if they don't like Shoto Todoroki, their evil

Momo, nodding in agreement: yeah okay, that's pretty solid logic


Jirou: it must be nice to have a boyfriend :)

Shinso: Todoroki isn't my boyfriend though???

Jirou: I never mentioned anyone


Shinso: GUESS I'll just stumble on home to my cats...


Shinso: ALONE

Todoroki: ...

Shinso: unless you wannacomealong

Todoroki: *hastily follows*


Shinso:  I feel the world around me crumbling. Everything is changing. I can't trust anyone anymore.

Jirou: what the hell happen?

Todoroki: when we got home, shadow (shinso's cat-) greeted me first


Shinso: my hands are cold

Todoroki, holds Shinso's hands with his left hand and activates his left side to warm up his hands: feeling better?

Shinso: ...

Shinso: my lips are also cold

Todoroki, places his left hand gently on Shinsi's lips like the oblivious and some what innocent person he is: Is that better?


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