Chapter 10: Unexpexted Invite

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Maven was up in his room packing up all of his and (Y/n)'s stuff into boxes. He looked around the room and sighed before picking up some tape and sliding it along a box to close it. However he ran out of tape and had to go get more.

As he walked around he heard Dennis muttering. "I can do it. I can do it."

Maven walked over and pushed open the door to Dennis's room to see him standing on some boxes with his arms out.

"I'm a bat. I'm a bat. I'm a bat. I'm a bat. I'm a bat!"

"Dennis? What are you doing up there?" Maven asked.

"Uh...nothing." Dennis told him sheepishly.

"Careful. Let me help you down from there." Maven picked Dennis up and set him on the ground. "Are you getting excited about your big party?"

Dennis glanced to the side and shrugged. "I guess so."

"You know who's coming? Mommy's whole family. Grandpa Mike and Grandma Linda." Maven picked Dennis up and spun him around. "All your cousins and aunts and uncles who love you so much!"

He set him back down. "And then, they're gonna be with us when we move to California."

Dennis looked down. "Daddy, are we going away cebause I'm not a monster?"

"What? No. Dennis, of course not. It''s just...grown-up stuff."

"Okay. But what about Papa Drac? He's gonna be here all alone." Dennis pointed out.

Maven grew a bit nervous. "Papa Drac has to stay here to run the hotel. But he'll visit us. And we'll visit him."

"Can we call him every night?" Dennis asked hopefully.

"Sure." Maven promised.


Dennis, Maven, (Y/n) and Johnny were standing at the entrance to the hotel to welcome Johnny and (Y/n)'s family. Dennis was holding onto his mother's hand, and Maven had his arm around (Y/n)'s waist, as the car pulled up to the hotel.

The car door opened and (Y/n) and Johnny's family poured out of the car and looked at the hotel with awe and excitement.


Inside, a grand table was decorated with a red table cloth and had several chairs with red cushioned seats. The table was set with silverware, and candles and in the corner, a man with a white mask over his face was playing the piano and singing.

"The night brings (Y/n) and Johnny's family here. To take away all that Drac holds dear."

The Loughran family took their seats just as Dracula entered the room.

"Welcome, welcome." He greeted.

"Hide your feelings, keep them all inside."

Zombie butlers came out of the kitchen carrying drinks and food. One placed down a dead fish corpse in front of some of Dennis's cousins.

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