Chapter 14: Dennis's Birthday Party

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Back at the hotel, Dennis's birthday party was going all out. Dracula was DJ-ing on stage while everyone else danced.

He'll but me a thorn before he'll buy me a rose.

Frank and Eunice where dancing together until Frank saw a zombie waiter walking by with a tray of food, and he began shoving it in his mouth. Eunice turned and frowned at him.

Covered in dirt before I'm covered in gold.

Murray was dancing with his mummy date.

He's trying it on, yeah, he's ticking me off

Murray did one move where he lifted his arms up and his back cracked and he fell to the ground.

Say what you want but I won't ever be told

At that moment, Blobby came forward and took Murray's place and started dancing with the lady mummy instead.

'Cause I'm in love with a monster

Maven and (Y/n) had their hands linked and were dancing together. Maven twirled her under his arm, and pulled her back into him and dipped her down.

Next to them, Johnny was dancing wildly and Dennis was dancing just like him while Winnie danced with him as well.

Friends say I'm stupid and I'm out of my mind

Vlad stood in the dance floor looking around with a neutral expression, and Dracula came up next to him with the same look.

But without you, boy, I'd be bored all the time

They looked at each other and smiled before dancing in sync and the crowd began to cheer for them.

No, I don't really care for the same

Linda was dancing wildly while Mike stared at her and danced a little less crazy.

Got everything I need and I'd rather be chasing
chasing love, with a monster.

Dennis flew up to them and used his magic to freeze her and Mike started dancing happily.

I'm in love (I'm in love)

Griffin was dancing by himself and started moving backwards.

I'm in love (I'm in love)

He bumped into someone and turned and saw that it was another invisible woman.

I'm in love with a monster.

The two stared into each other's glasses and began dancing with each other.

I'm in love (I'm in love)

Wanda was dancing and swaying happily to the music.

I'm in love (I'm in love)

Wayne was next to her, but he was standing still as his kids crawled all over him.

I'm in love with a monster

Two monsters waiters came out carrying a large cake and they placed it on the table.

I'm in love with a monster

Dennis gasped and flew up to the candle with a big smile on his face.

"Let me hear you sing!" Maven announced.

Everyone opens their mouths to sing Happy Birthday to Dennis, but the Gremlin lady walked up to the cake and swallowed the whole thing in one bite.

"I didn't do that."



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