2. First Day Of School

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Clary's Pov: I woke up and the morning and got dressed.

After that I made breakfast for me and Dad since Bella already left with her boyfriend

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After that I made breakfast for me and Dad since Bella already left with her boyfriend.

After that I made breakfast for me and Dad since Bella already left with her boyfriend

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Then went to my car and drove to school after putting Terror in.

When I pulled up at school everyone was staring at me then I smelled a scent to die for

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When I pulled up at school everyone was staring at me then I smelled a scent to die for.

I looked around and saw my mate.

'Act normal' I said in my mind.

Well cold ones, your about to meet someone hotter than you with colder emotions.

I then let out Terror who by the way is the size of a Great Daniel. I have to take him everywhere with me become he keeps me calm.

Mom doesn't want me an jail again. Yep. Mom's a fairy. But Bella didn't get any gene.

Bella ran over to me and said "Come on ugly, meet my boyfriend". Terror started growl at her. She backed away taken back by his size.

"Terror stop" I said. He stopped. Bella then dragged me over to the cold ones.

Emmet's Pov: When we arrived at school 5 minutes later we saw the badass car and I smelt something that was Coffee,Chocolate Whip cream,Strawberry, and Vanilla Tequila.

I almost moaned. "Bet your happy now" Edward laughed. I glared. Bella looked so mad. "Do you know her Bella??" Rose said. She nodded and said "She's my younger sister".

We were all so shocked. "Great more humans" Rose hissed.

Clary's Pov: "Edward, my boyfriend, Emmet, Rose, Jasper, and Alice" Bella said. "Hi" I said. Rose walked off. "Nice dog and Car" Alice said. That's when Bella took a look at my car. She sneered.

"Thanks" I said. "Love the outfit" Alice said.

For the rest of the day I was tired as fuck. I almost killed someone but Terror was there to calm me down.

Then I went home after the Cullen's invited me for dinner to meet the rest of the family. I was happy to see mate.

I might go.

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