Mending The Cracks

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Voices filled the change room. Equipment scattered everywhere; laces, shin guards, and extra sports bra.

Welcome to my team, the Canadian world junior woman's hockey team.

"Yo, Sky, pass the deodorant," yelled Elise. I cringed, so unhygienic and impolite. As if she could read my mind she quickly added in 'please'.

Reaching into my bag I took out my deodorant and whipped it at her, "I think it's time to get your own". She simply caught it in her glove and laughed off.

I sighed, that was big mouth Elise for you. Surprisingly, her mouth was shut right now instead of yapping like it usually did. Finally my ears got a chance to breathe. Either with her mouth consistently moving or held still I loved her. Yes, me, the stone, loved her just like my sister.

Elise and Sidney were my best friends. They were like the siblings I never had. Speaking of Sidney where was the party girl? I walked over to Elise, towering over her with my skates on.

"Know where Sidney is?" I asked her picking up some clothing and set them aside taking a seat beside her.

"Nope. Not a clue. We went to the party and then I went my way and she went her way." Elise answered snapping the lid back on my deodorant and handing it back to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, "Did she drink?" I inquired, suddenly, ten times more worried. I stared at Elisa as she continued to tie the laces of her hockey skates, dodging my question.

"Did she?" I asked in my stern voice.

"Well yea, we both did," She shrugged. "And besides, she knows her limit Sky, don't worry. You don't need to baby her. Cut loose and just relax it's not like anything could've have happened." As soon as those words left her mouth her body stiffened up and I knew she regretted it. We both knew anything could happen. Just about anything. I knew the price of not be careful; I knew it damn well in fact.

"Whoa, sorry I'm late!" yelled the voice I'd been dying to hear. I let out a sigh of relief and silently thanked God. I looked up to see Sidney all ready in her hockey gear by the change room door. She blew out a breath of air, moving away the strands of brown hair coving her face. I smiled; it was good to see that she was alright. Let's just say, she was a walking ambassador of YOLO. She didn't let on moment of her life go to waste. Never dare to. Trying to tell her to slow down or even crank down on her crazy ways was one big mistake. It did just about nothing.

"Are you okay?" I requested as she walked over.

"Well good morning to you to mommy. And yes mother I am perfecto" she smiled taking a seat in my lap.

"I'm not your mom and now get off me," I told her pushing her off my lap causing her to hit the change room floor with a 'thud'. Sidney looked up at me and stuck up her middle finger.

I sarcastically smiled at her, "Now get up lets hit the ice, we've only got an hour." I slipped my helmet on and did up the straps up. I grabbed my stick and joined Sidney by the door where we both waited for Elise to get ready.

"Let's go!" Elsie hollered in game sprit. She wadding by us in her goalie gear while pushing back her blond hair so she could put on her goalie mask.

I looked back at the other half of the team that was still getting dresses and said, "Let's go girls hurry up."

"Ay,ay captain" they answered back, and I smiled, loving my position as captain. I followed Elise and Sidney's lead and headed out the door. Elise reached out to grab the handle but just before she opened it, the door swung open slamming right into Elise's face. I cringed. Luckily, she was wearing her helmet, cause that was on hell of a hit.

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