part 1

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What Makio looks like(pretend her eyes are yellow)

What Makio looks like(pretend her eyes are yellow)

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"Just a normal day of everyone shunning me." Thought Makio as she walked down the halls of her families home.

"He'll have to die for this to work." Said an elder.

"What?" Thought Makio as she listened in to the elders conversation.

"So what? Macaque is just a useless shadow monkey that can't even use his powers properly." Said the eldest of the people in the room.

"He's still a child." Said a different elder.

"He's dangerous. What if he learns to control his powers huh? Then everyone could die." Said the eldest.

"What!" Exclaimed Makio in her mind as she slowly walked away from the room the elders were in. "I have to get Macaque out of here." She thought as she went to her room, which was in the attic and only had a mattress and a few sets of clothes in it.

After a while she decided that it would be best to get Macaque and run at night.

"Finally night. Time to get Macaque and run." Thought Makio while quietly getting out of bed, which was just a mattress they gave her.

As she walked down the halls she was careful to be quiet as to not wake anyone up. When she reached Macaque's room she silently opened the door and approached his sleeping figure.

"I'm sorry little brother and Macaque, but I can't let them kill one of you. It would hurt the two of you far to much." Thought Makio before she lifted up the sleeping shadow monkey in her arms.

She silently left the estate and went to the forest. When Makio reached the forest she made a portal, which she called a dusk portal, and went through it. On the other side of the portal was the inside of an abandoned building that Makio re-decorated and made into her secret base where she would go if she wanted to get away from her family.

The room the portal lead to was Makio's room. It was a simple room with tan walls and grey-ish carpet floor. The bed was a royal blue, Makio made her bed that color because she found out it was the best color for a comfortable sleep. The dresser, desk, doors, and window frames were oak and she had a few drawings on the desk.

After she looked around a little to make sure that no one knew about her base she laid Macaque down on her bed.

She afterwards made a portal back to Macaques room and gathered his stuff, which surprisingly wasn't much. She placed his stuff on the dresser in her room when she went back to her base before returning to her room at the estate and gathering her clothes and few stuffed animals she had.

When she went back to her base she placed her clothes in her closet by colour. After she went to the living room and started cleaning up, mainly sweeping away any dust that had gathered while she was gone. After she was done cleaning the entire base it was around 4:30 and she decided to go steal some food from the market for breakfast.

So she did. When she returned she made eggs and bacon before hearing a scream from her room and dashed there to see Macaque on the floor freaking out.

"Macaque, calm down! You're safe I'm here!" Exclaimed Makio as she rushed over and hugged Macaque, somewhat calming him down.

"Makio? Where are we? What's going on?" Asked Macaque.

Before speaking Makio sighed in sadness. "I overheard the elders talking about killing you for some plan of theirs. I knew it would hurt you and Wukong if one of you died, so I took you away from there. As for where we are we're at a secret base I made a few years ago. I made it to get away from my parents, grandparents, and other relatives." Explained Makio, sadness overcoming her when she saw Macaque's shocked expression.

"They were. . . going to kill me?" Asked Macaque, tears starting to fill his eyes. All Makio could do was nod with sadness in her expression. "Why?" Asked Macaque, his tears now falling from his eyes, making Makio pull him into a soft hug to comfort him.

"I don't know Macaque. I really don't." Said Makio as she rubbed comforting circles on Macaque's back as he cried in her arms.

Poor Macaque and Makio are already dealing with bullshit and trauma.

Word count: 759

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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