Prologue- Adams AFB

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January 18, 2278, 4am...

It went all so wrong...

Ever since the fall of Jefferson, we've lost footing within the Capitol, lost Raven Rock, our President, even the good Colonel didn't report after the hoarders stormed the Purifier. 

And now, what's left of our army is all the back to the Airbase, far from the city itself. 

I... worry if this will be like Navarro, the destruction of the Oil Rig, from one defeat to another...
Adams is a strong base, those Tech hoarders haven't gotten to us yet, of course, they took down one of our relay sites, but that was traded for that giant, commie-killing bot. 

Within this entry, I lay my hopes for retribution for our brothers and sisters here in the Enclave's D.C sect. Or evacuation from the site. It's quite clear that our time here in the old Capitol is up...

But duties must continue, they haven't found us yet. We're prepared for another strike; would it be enough? Perhaps so, time will tell for men like us. 

Dear Old Friends, Remember Navarro, Remember the Rig...
-Lt. Commander Morrisson. 

There. Entry done...

I grunt as I stretched my back, feeling those worn bones grunt and crackle ever so slightly as my mouth let out a grunt. 

"Much better." I heard my own voice call out. 

I looked down to my uniform, a black and tan uniform and respective overcoat along with a pin in the image of the Rig, simple, yet still iconic. 

Then I looked into my mug, and with a grunt, got up, brought it with me and went to the cafeteria, ran out of coffee just now.

'Early diaries...damn. Been a while and now I need coffee.' I told myself as I walked through the halls of the base, going through the hastily built reinforcements to the walls of the base. 

It had been months since Raven Rock's collapse, the defeat at Purity and now this.
The Brotherhood breathing down on us all, like dogs slobbering over a carcass. 

And as my head wrapped itself within these thoughts, I saluted every soldier that passed by, as well as my juniors as I continued my way through the barracks.

A sigh escaped my lips as I went over the various reports of what has been happening recently. 

'1st Recon eliminated a sect of Muties around the DC ruins, took down a BOS patrol. 3rd is monitoring the brotherhood's actions from the Pentagon. And Squad Olympus is conducting
normal operations... With the loss of our Sat-Comm relay station and trade of Liberty Prime, we cut off their advance. Yet they'll likely be willing to toss more, just to kick us out.' I told myself.

'All in all, a bad situation, will need to convene the squad and talk with Colonel Mack.'  I concluded as I went into the cafeteria. 

The place was sparsely populated with those from the night shift, some cooks prepared, while there are others who were slump over the tables. 

I pressed on, no need to say anything to those tired, might as well get enough sleep as I focused on getting my refill. 

The machine whirred to life, pouring midnight fuel down to his cup. With a nod, I took my leave, intent on seeing the base camp.

Heading outside of the barracks, with nothing but clothes, coffee and my pistol with me. 

"Sir!" A female voice called out to me as I turned around.
Seeing a woman with greying hair, wearing the officer's garb, with the addition of a small tailcoat to it. 

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