Chapter 11

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Renji POV

I got ready for my captain's board of review. I was notified when the Vizard captains decided to leave. They said they will try to find other captains as well but for now I'll be tested. Byakuya will be there watching.

"State your name."

"R-Renji Abarai."

"State your current abilities. "

"Well I have had a bankai for almost as long as I have been a lieutenant. My zanpakuto in its shikai has many abilities. Same as my bankai."

"What is your position now?"

"I am the lieutenant for squad 6. Lieutenant Abarai for Captain Kuchiki."

"And what is your reason for becoming a captain for the 13 court guard squads? "

"I wish to help anyone and anywhere I can. Becoming a captain gives me a better chance to do that."

"I see. Please exit and we will tell you if you made it."

"Wait that's it? I just had to answer those questions? "


"Sorry captain I just was expecting something else."

"What were you expecting lieutenant? "

"I thought I had to fight Kenpachi or something. " I heard Byakuya laugh for a sec.

"No lieutenant that is all. Please exit."

"Yes right away. "

I walked out the way I came in with Byakuya following. I sat outside the office and to my surprise Byakuya waited with me.

"Renji I must ask you something. "

"Yes captain what is it?"

"Rukia. What is your current relationship with her? " My heart stopped.

"W-What do you mean sir?"

"I mean how do you see her as. Time is passing and I don't see her attempting in anyway to find male companionship. You are the closest guy she spends time with."

"Are you asking? "

"Yes, if she did, would you marry her? "

"Of course. I mean, If she also wanted it."

"Good. If you become a captain I can ensure you that you have my blessings but if not then you might find it a bit more difficult but not impossible. "

"Thank you sir you have no idea what that means to me."

"Abarai. Please enter."

I got up and walked into the office. Man can this day get any better. First I become a captain candidate then I get Byakuya's blessings for marriage.

"After careful consideration we have come to the conclusion that you are worthy of becoming the captain of squad 5."

I looked at the men standing in front of me.
"Is this world a dream right now? "

"Yes it is."


"No I am joking. We get that reaction a lot. Even Byakuya."


"Yes. But you are here by assigned Captain Abarai of squad 5."

I can't believe it. Everything is going so right. Later I went back to the lieutenants office to find Shuhei, Rangiku, and Rukia. I decided to make a sad face to trick them.

"So Renji how did it go?"

"(No answer)"

"Oh Renji you poor thing." Rangiku said trying to make me happy.

I slowly pulled down my lieutenant badge and placed it on the table.

"Wait what are you? " I smiled.

"You made it?"

"No I failed so bad that they are going to execute me."

Rukia screamed and jumped on me. Totally forgetting who was there we kissed each other. Then we open our eyes fast and look over to Shuhei and Rangiku. They looked away whistling as if they saw nothing.

"And guess what else."


"Byakuya is okay with us being together."

"He is!? He's not upset?"

"From what I heard. He said ,' Good. If you become a captain I can ensure you that you have my blessings but if not then you might find it a bit more difficult but not impossible.'" She screamed again but quieter.

"Renji this is so awesome. Everything is going so right."

"I know I just hope that nothing bad happens to level it out."

Renji x Rukia (Ended)Where stories live. Discover now