Chapter One: Neither the Intellectual Conversation Nor the Water.

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Throwing up the first chapter with the prologue!




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Chapter One:


Neither the Intellectual Conversation Nor the Water.

Teen parties are disgusting. The rank smell of alcohol, hormones and vomit all thrown together in such close quarters, feeling like you’re not only drowning in your own sweat but about fifty others as well. I feel like I should be enclosed in some sort of plastic bubble, not tiny denim shorts and a tight shirt. Fewer clothes between me and everyone else means less protection.

I feel infected.

Rebecca - my supposed best friend – latches onto my arm, her perfectly filed, hot pink polished nails digging into my arm viciously as she squeals quietly. Rebecca’s different tonight. She forgone her glasses for contacts and her slim frame is encased in a tiny sheath of glittery fabric, her feet squeezed into matching glittery heels. She resembles a disco ball.

“This is so… awesome,” she breathes, launching into the throngs of gyrating pubescent’s, her lips pulled into a face splitting smile.

With a roll of my eyes, I follow behind her, squeezing through the tight spaces until we come to a stop in the living room.

The place is a mess, empty beer bottles scattered on the coffee table, sticky rings where people have left cups and bottles. On the sofa, somebody’s spilled what I’m telling myself is soup and have lamely tried to flip the cushion to hide it but have been too drunk and given up. So now it just sits there on its side, half flipped and waiting to be dry cleaned. Petey’s parents are gonna be so pissed when they get home.

Rebecca sits on the clean side of the sofa and beckon’s me over, when I hesitate, she follows my eyes to the dirty cushion and scoffs, waving it off and tugging a throw cushion from behind her, fixing the dirty cushion on its clear side, she plops the throw pillow over it.

Giving in reluctantly, I sit on the very edge, my posture ridged. I do not want to be here.  

Looking around I know about twenty-five per cent of the people here, the other seventy-five are creepy college guys and drop-outs, milling around, looking for naïve girls and guys who just wanna be loved!

Rebecca’s hand shoots out and grabs at my stiff wrist, “Oh dear God, Collins here!” The words sort of rush out of her, almost inaudible over the thumping bass, but I hear it. My head snaps to where she’s staring and then slumps as I groan.

Collin Matthew Bennett. His Birthday is in July, he’s a Leo and if you stand close enough, you’ll see there’s a hint of gold in his brown eyes. Oh, and prefers Y-fronts over boxers. I wish I didn’t know quite so much about Collin Matthew Bennett, but when your best and only friend is in love with him, you know his most intimate details. Even if you really don’t wanna know.

“Oh, God, he’s talking to Lilly,” she hisses, looking over at me briskly, her eyes widen comically and she leans closer, “Do you think he likes her? Oh God, he likes her.”

I slowly pry her fingers from my arm, flexing my fingers as the blood rushes back, “He doesn’t like Lilly. She’s all over him,” I smile as I point discreetly at Collin, “He totally can’t wait to get away.”

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