Chapter Four: Call Me Maybe?

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Chapter Four! Vote&comment! Let me know what you think! Any love for the story is well appreciated! :D

Chapter Four:


Call Me Maybe?


My shoes scuff against the gravel path as I drag my feet reluctantly. Darren’s still there, smiling devilishly through the open window.

“While we’re both young, Penny.”

With a final huff, I jog along the remaining space between myself and the car. Yanking the passenger side door, I squish my overnight bag between the two seats, making sure to bump his head with it before it lands with a thump in the cluttered back seat.

He doesn’t comment though, I just catch the infinitesimal clench of his jaw and the way his hands squeeze the steering wheel as I throw myself in the passenger seat. He starts the engine with an unhealthy sputter, turning out of the drive and down the wealthy suburban street.

This car is disgusting, but I expect no less. With empty take-away cartons and soda cans littering my feet and the back seat, there’s the scent of stale food and maybe… is that sweat?! My shoulders hunch as I try to close in on myself.

Does he live in this car?

“Do you live in this car?” Voicing my thoughts, I can hear the tone of disgust and contempt laced in my words and apparently so can he because he scoffs and shakes his head, mumbling what I can only assume is a string of colourful curse words.

“You really are a treat! I bet you don’t have siblings.” He says with something akin to laughter and irritation in his voice.

“What makes you think that? That’s a pretty strong assumption. I could have a healthy brood of brothers and sisters.”

“Well, I just can’t imagine someone as self-absorbed as you having to… well share or be kind.” Turning to look at me minutely, I try to straighten my face.

His words stung a little. I’ve been called mean before but it kinda hurts to hear it so blatantly put.

Pursing my lips, I narrow my eyes and turn away from him, “Just watch the road. I don’t want to die in this rust bucket.”

I hear him chuckle and from the corner of my eye I see him turn back to face the road.

I refuse to look at him for the rest of the journey, he’s just so insufferable. My eyes stay glued to the passing scenery, the neighbourhoods getting smaller and less fancy as we go.

Rebecca lives on the outskirts of town in a little suburban cul-de-sac made up of huge manor type houses with pools out back and broken marriages hidden behind their six foot hedges, at least one of those trophy wives are sleeping with the pool boy, I refuse to believe those people are as perfect as their lawns. Everybody has secrets and that neighbourhood is no different, each one thinking they’ve hidden it a lot better than the rest, but they haven’t. Everybody knows.

Shifting in my seat my left foot scuffs glass, the object clanging under the seat, kicking it into view my mouth drops open and I can’t help it when my head snaps towards Darren before springing back to the bottle that lies on the cluttered floor mat.

A beer bottle.

Okay so this could just be an unjust assumption but it’s completely understandable.

“You better not be one of those idiots that drink while driving. Cause I’ll drop and roll out of this car quicker than your tiny little brain can think!” I spit, he turns quickly, spotting the empty bottle before turning back and laughing raucously.

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