Stalkers *shivers*

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Okay thanks to that girl named bribri1250 I have to do stalkers. Alrighty then.....
They are creepy af. They can rape you in your sleep. They can kill you. They can stalk you....I made my point. Who isn't scared of Stalkers? I mean some people out there may enjoy the attention, which is quite freaky, but anyways. Stalkers stalk you (Number one quote right there). They are always watching you and they just are so freaky. Plus some people are just low-key stalkers and those can be freaky too.

Momentarily I shall rant on my friends, oh excuse me my so called 'friends'.
Okay, do you ever feel like you aren't being heard, or when you are being heard you are taken the wrong way?
Yeah, me too.
Well let's see my friends do not understand me, it'a as if they are calling me a slut, when I don't even like being involved in that stuff, and you know what is funny she is the one that always thinks and talks about s** and everything.
My 'friends' hardly ever talk to me unless it is for answers in some subject, excluding 14Samtub, they always keep secrets from me. And when they do tell me something, and it involves one of my close friends, of course I am going to tell them! Dude, you have no right to tell me that and then expect me not to say anything to them. If anything I would much rather protect my true friend then stand up and defend my fake friend then lose my real friend, NO WAY! I would rather have a true friend then have a friend that deceives me. Please if you want a really good friend follow 14Samtub, she's amazing and she understands me.

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