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"You got a haircut," Daniella blurted out with a smile as soon as she saw Max in the paddock. They didn't get a chance to see each other earlier when Max arrived in Monza because of their hectic schedule.

"Yeah.." Max smiled as he ran his fingers through his hair before hugging Daniella. "I missed you," He softly said in her ears before kissing her cheek, not caring about the people around them.

"I missed you too, and I love you," She smiled brightly before giving him a quick kiss. "At least you didn't shave,"

"Come on," Toto walked past and dragged Daniella away from Max, making everyone around laugh.

Max looked a bit embarrassed but quickly brushed it off and smiled, waving at his girlfriend as he ran his fingers through his hair again.

"At this point, you just look jealous because you can't kiss someone from Red Bull in public," Daniella mocked her boss with an innocent face.

"Why would I be jealous?" Toto scoffed as they entered the Mercedes hospitality. "You and Max were being unprofessional out there. If that's how you two behave after not seeing each other for a couple of days then I don't want to know what happens when..."

"I think you already know what happens," Daniella wiggled her eyebrows.

Toto made a gagged face, disgusted even by a sliver of the thought.

"You were the one who brought it up," Daniella shrugged, acting innocent.

Toto let out a defeated sigh and ran his hand across his face before his eyes landed on Lewis. The other driver was drinking his tea and going through his phone.

Toto dragged Daniella to the table where Lewis was sitting.

Lewis was confused at first but a hopeful look came over when he saw Daniella.

"You will sit here and listen to him apologize," Toto ordered Daniella and even pulled the chair for her. "And you.." He looked at Lewis. "You will apologize for what you said to her and give her all the things you bought for her."

He pushed Daniella to sit down.

"This is not..." Daniella opened her mouth to protest but her boss cut her off.

"I want this solved between you two before the media conference today," Toto sternly said to his drivers.


"And you are not allowed to get all lovesick with your boyfriend in the paddock," Toto pointed at Daniella.

"You are just jealous you can't act like that with Christan in public," Daniella childishly argued.

Lewis unknowingly let out a laugh but stopped immediately when Toto glared at him.

"On second thought..don't give her all the apology gifts you bought for her."

"No! Come on now... that's not fair."


"So you and Lewis are good now?" Max asked in a low voice as they finished the media conference and walked out of the room.

"Yeah...almost," Daniella replied with a little shrug. "He is ninety percent forgiven. And it will turn into a hundred percent when he lets me have Roscoe for an entire week."

Max laughed and shook his head. He was about to put his arm around Daniella's shoulder but she subtly stopped him.

"Toto also strictly said if he sees any sort of PDA between you and me in the paddock he is going to..."

"That is unacceptable."

Both Daniella and Max slightly jumped as the Red Bull team principal joined them.

"You can't let Toto dictate your relationship," Christian said.

Daniella and Max shared a confused look and then looked back at the team principal.

"Says the guy who wanted to put me in a publicity stunt without my knowledge..." Daniella replied back.

"I have changed," Christian flashed a smile which only made Daniella more confused. "But what Toto is doing is very wrong."

Both Max and Daniella's eyes went a little wide as they saw another approach.

"What am I doing wrong?" Toto asked, a challenging look on his face.

Christian slowly turned around and faked a smile.

"I was just...saying how it's unfair to ask them to not..."

"Not what?" Toto raised his eyebrows.

"We.. We should go," Max nervously said as put his hand on Daniella's back.


"Hang on," Sebastian Vettel stopped the couple from leaving as he pulled out his phone and clicked a quick photo of the scene. "This is going in the group chat."

The four-time world champion laughed as he received glares from the team principals before walking away.

"Let's go," Daniella held Max's hand and hurried away, not wanting to be involved with the bickering between Toto and Christian.

"I should go too..." Christian nervously said and was about to walk away as well but his rival stood in his way.

"Answer the question first," Toto asked, looking intimidating. "What am I doing wrong?"

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

AND IT CONTINUES - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now