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Lewis barely acknowledged Max when they saw each other at the airport and looked past him, trying to spot Daniella so he could apologize for his comment the previous day after the race. He was disappointed when he didn't see his teammate with Max and she was nowhere in sight.

He reluctantly approached Max who was on his phone and was ready to board his plane.

"Where is Dani?" Lewis asked the Red Bull driver without greeting him.

Max looked up, almost looking unbothered but still a bit confused.

"Clearly not with me right now," Max sarcastically said as he looked to his sides before looking back at Lewis.

Lewis restrained himself from countering his answer and Max can see his effort.

"Then where is she right now?"

"She had an early flight," Max replied, not wanting to drag the conversation any longer. "She went back to Brackley. Shouldn't you know that since you are her teammate?"

"She didn't tell me.." Lewis mumbled as he checked his phone, hoping that Daniella replied to at least one of his texts. "I said something to her that I shouldn't have..."

"So the rumors are true?" Max sounded angry. "You did yell at her in front of everyone." When he first heard the rumors in the morning he thought it was all made-up gossip, even Daniella dismissed it, but now he knows the truth.

"Of course, she told you..."

"She didn't tell me anything. She never shares anything that goes on within your team," Max slightly raised his voice but lowered it as soon as he noticed a few people looking at them. "Now I know why she was a little upset last night."

"Look, it was a mistake and I take full responsibility for it," Lewis sounded guilty. "Can you...please tell her to return my calls?" It hurt his pride to ask Max for help but he had no other choice.

"I will think about it," Max gave a fake smile and shrugged as he picked up his backpack and collected his suitcase as it was time to board his plane. "I can't believe you thought you could have won if Dani hadn't changed her tyres," He mocked his rival.

It took everything in Lewis to control himself and not argue with Max in the middle of the airport.

"By the way...she knows you didn't actually mean what you said yesterday," Max added. "But still it hurt her so give her some time."

Before Lewis could say anything Max walked away.


Daniella ignored Lewis as she put her full focus on her simulator, practicing for the next race in Monza.

"Dani... I am sorry," Lewis said for the tenth time as he leaned against the wall, his eyes begging for forgiveness.

"Heard you the first time," Daniella replied in a singsong tone, not even looking at her teammate.

"Am I forgiven?" Lewis asked, both doubt and hope laced in his voice.

"I don't know..I have to ask my boyfriend first," Daniella replied as she continued working on the simulator. "You know since everything I do is for his benefit. Forgiving you might cause him to lose the next race and as his girlfriend, I can't let it happen."

Lewis let out a long sigh in defeat. Daniella was clearly still upset and mad at him for his comments.

"Alright, okay.. What I said was messed up," Lewis admitted. "I shouldn't have blamed you for my loss. My emotions were running high and I was not thinking clearly."

"I know."

"So I am forgiven?"

"Haha no," Daniella got out of the simulator as she finished working on it and made her way out of the room. "You are getting there but you have to try harder."


Toto was in a meeting with Nate, discussing some important aspects of the next race and the car when Lewis walked in with Roscoe.

"I didn't know you were coming in today," Toto said as he and Nate watched Lewis balance a basket and two bags.

"I wouldn't have if Dani had forgiven me yesterday but apparently I have to try harder so this is me going above and beyond to earn her forgiveness," Lewis explained.

"What is all that?" Nate pointed at the items in Lewis' hand.

"A non-vegan gift basket," Lewis replied. "And two extremely expensive jackets for Dani. If this doesn't work then I am sure Roscoe will do the job," He looked at his dog who was just eyeing the basket and the treats inside it.

Nate and Toto shared a look. They knew it must be eating Lewis inside for buying something that is not vegan.

"So where is Dani?" Lewis asked. "I looked for her but she is not on the sim."

"Umm... she is on her way to Milan," Nate replied.

"What?" Lewis' eyes went wide. "But we were supposed to leave tomorrow evening."

"Yeah but she has a photo shoot for a magazine later today and then a fashion show tomorrow," Nate added. "She even dragged Myra with her."

"Looks like you will have to try a lot harder now," Toto gave a smirk.

"She is doing this purposely," Lewis voiced his frustration. "She knows how sorry I am but..."

"You did yell at her in front of everyone so you kind of deserve it," Toto said and Nate agreed.

"You are on her side or mine?"


❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

A/N: Nothing much happened in this chapter...just Lewis trying to get Dani to forgive him. So far he is unsuccessful. 

Thoughts on Lewis and Max's scene? 

Do you think Dani is dragging the issue unnecessarily? Lewis is feeling guilty after all...maybe she is being too hard on him? 

Next is Monza. What do you think will happen?

Okay I was thinking and...Daniella in a Game of thrones/House of the dragon AU. Maybe she is a Stark or a Targaryen. Thoughts?

 I can definitely see Charles and George as knights. 

Not sure about Max but I think he might have a reputation like Daemon Targaryen. 

Any ideas about the other drivers? 

AND IT CONTINUES - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now